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Did anyone want Boggle for Christmas and not get it?

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One of the kids' cousins got Boggle for Christmas a couple of years ago, and we played it some since then with them, but none of us thought it was much fun. No one has asked for it. We own Boggle Jr. Letters (there is also a Boggle Jr. Numbers) and we used it some as a learning game when our kids were beginning to read.

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We LOVE Boggle at our house. We should have gotten a new game for Christmas, as our 4yo (who loves Boggle in a different way) has lost two of the letter cubes. I heard there's a new, digitized version for sale now. (Is that what the OP was asking about?) I don't think I'd buy the digitized version; IMO, nothing could replace the feelings of anticipation (and the countless memories) that wash over me at the sound and feel of the cubes being rattled into their places, and the dark lid being lifted to reveal a new board. Also, the hourglass timer is irreplaceable, since it engenders so much lively dispute about when the time really did run out. This is an indispensable part of all family Boggle games.

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We needed a new Boggle for Christmas, but I neglected to pick one up or put it on any wish lists for grandma. My oldest son has autism, and loves to "flap" small things (usually coins)...well, suffice it to say he got hold of our Boggle letters sometime last year, and we never could find two of them...


So, I think I've heard of a Boggle where the letters don't come out... That would be a good thing for this family! :D

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We needed a new Boggle for Christmas, but I neglected to pick one up or put it on any wish lists for grandma. My oldest son has autism, and loves to "flap" small things (usually coins)...well, suffice it to say he got hold of our Boggle letters sometime last year, and we never could find two of them...


So, I think I've heard of a Boggle where the letters don't come out... That would be a good thing for this family! :D


Yea! I'll send you one! I've got the one that doesn't come out and I'll never get to play it because NOBODY in my family liked it and will play with me. Rather than having it sit around I'd like to give it to someone that will enjoy it. Would you be interested? It's not new in the box but it looks new because we've only played it maybe three times.

Edited by aggieamy
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Yea! I'll send you one! I've got the one that doesn't come out and I'll never get to play it because NOBODY in my family liked it and will play with me. Rather than having it sit around I'd like to give it to someone that will enjoy it. Would you be interested? It's not new in the box but it looks new because we've only played it maybe three times.

That explains it. :001_smile:


We have Boggle but don't play it much. I like it, dh not so much because I always win. We do occasionally play Word Racer at Yahoo games...very much like Boggle, but on the computer, and in the course of play there's a couple of different layouts with bonus letters. I still win ;)

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What a nice thing to do!


We have Boggle but don't play it much. I like it, dh not so much because I always win. We do occasionally play Word Racer at Yahoo games...very much like Boggle, but on the computer, and in the course of play there's a couple of different layouts with bonus letters. I still win ;)

We have a game called Backwards that nobody can ever beat me at, so I never get to play. :sad: I refuse to get rid of it since it's one of my favorite games. I'm hoping that at least one of the boys will like it when they get a bit older.

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this is the nicest thing I have seen someone do for someone else in a while. I just got a nice, warm-fuzzy feeling.




I know! I'm still just feeling so warm and fuzzy from it! I can't tell you how sweet I think that is! I can't wait for dh to get home from work, so I can share another wonderful example of just how great the people are here at the hive!

:001_wub: I just don't even know what to say, besides thank you.

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I was out this morning, and when I returned I had a surprise waiting for me! I love getting packages! So, I just wanted to let Amy know that the Boggle game made it here safe and sound! Ds9 was excited, and so I am certain we will be playing this tonight! Thanks again! You're the sweetest! :001_smile:

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