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I'm SO tired ...

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Yes, that is exactly how I feel right now!!!!! The buildup to Christmas Eve and then Christmas just about wore me completely down. After we did presents Christmas morning, I was back in bed. I slept as long as hubby could keep the kids out today. And I could go back for more!!!


Of course, I did manage to do 5 loads of laundry, clean up/out 4 cabinets to make room for Wii stuff and clean up/out ds's room, plus make room for his new toys. Only about 4 more loads of laundry, the trying on of children's clothes, the cleaning up/out of dd's room, cleaning up/out of hall closet, lesson planning and finish cleaning the living room to go. And then it'll be time to take down Christmas!!


ACK! I'm crawling into bed and pulling the covers over my head. Do not open until Groundhog Day!!

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yes i have felt this way for several weeks now. I stopped taking one of my supplements for particular reasons but i think it may have kicked me in the rump. I am constantly tired but I cannot sleep early enough to get a full night of sleep. DD blessedly sleeps till 8 or 830 every morning (usually around 530 comes in our bed, i do so love snuggling with her) so I can get a good night sleep but mornings are tough for me still

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I thought I was going to feel great once ds started sleeping through the night, but I feel just as bad on seven hours of unbroken sleep as I did on seven hours of broken sleep :( That was the light at the end of the tunnel, so now I don't know when I'm ever going to get enough sleep. Tell me it will get better and I will be a fully functioning person again one day.




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I thought I was going to feel great once ds started sleeping through the night, but I feel just as bad on seven hours of unbroken sleep as I did on seven hours of broken sleep :( That was the light at the end of the tunnel, so now I don't know when I'm ever going to get enough sleep. Tell me it will get better and I will be a fully functioning person again one day.





Hi Rosie... You know... I think co-sleeping helps with sleep. You stick the dad and kids in one bed... and snatch up one of the extra beds.... Yes... 2 for 1... your kids get to co-sleep... and you get to get some Good sleep:D



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Hi Rosie... You know... I think co-sleeping helps with sleep. You stick the dad and kids in one bed... and snatch up one of the extra beds.... Yes... 2 for 1... your kids get to co-sleep... and you get to get some Good sleep:D




At the moment, dh is on the couch, dd is on a mattress next to him, I'm in a bed and the baby is in the cot next to my bed. Rather miserable arrangements, but that gets everyone the most amount of sleep. While your solution sounds nice for me, dh needs a certain amount of sleep. He's epileptic and will have a seizure if he's over-tired. I only shout and cry when I'm over tired...


Bah Humbug! Or something :)



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Is anybody else like this right now? I just feel like I can't get enough sleep. I could just sleep and sleep and still be tired. It is so annoying. I have so much stuff I need to get done and I have no energy to do it. :sleep:


Vitamin D? Iron? A one-time bump in either of those is often enough to help me. HTH.

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This time of year always saps my energy. Short days, lots to do, and too much sugar in my system. I start to revive around the end of January. During this time, I will try to nap once or twice a week, when I can convince the kids to nap. :) It seems to help me more than getting an extra hour at night. I also try to move my morning run to later in the afternoon to try and catch some sun. (My husband occasionally gets home from work early and will also take over any teaching/activities I have planned so I can get out there.)

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