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Wii suggestions (Wii Fit Plus?)

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Grandparents surprised kids (& us) by getting our kiddos a Wii for Christmas. It is the sports one that has bowling, baseball, boxing, golfing, and tennis.


We also got a $100 gift card from someone else and want to apply it to Wii games. I think the Wii fit looks great (can you really get fit doing this?) - do kiddos like this, too?


We want the most Wii bang for our $100 bucks. My kiddos are 3 boys aged 16, 14, and 14, and a 10yo girl.




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Even the visiting grandparents are loving our Wii Fit. They plan to buy a Wii sometime after they're back home.


We have several of the "active" Wii games, and the Wii Fit Plus is our favorite (besides the sports package of bowling, tennis, etc that comes with the Wii Fit - that one also gets a lot of play time in our house)

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Grandparents surprised kids (& us) by getting our kiddos a Wii for Christmas. It is the sports one that has bowling, baseball, boxing, golfing, and tennis.


We also got a $100 gift card from someone else and want to apply it to Wii games. I think the Wii fit looks great (can you really get fit doing this?) - do kiddos like this, too?


We want the most Wii bang for our $100 bucks. My kiddos are 3 boys aged 16, 14, and 14, and a 10yo girl.





We've had WiiFit since it first came out, and I got the WiiFit Plus for Christmas. It's fun, but I'm still not sure one could really get fit doing it.


We also love Mario Kart for a fun family game.

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DD10 uses the Wii fit for PE this winter. She likes it enough that I plan to get Wii fit Plus for her after Christmas. She also got the Wii Ski and Snowboard game-but no reviews on it yet.


Rock Band has been the most played game here but it was $150 when we bought it and I don't know if the price has dropped or not yet.


Mario Cart or Zelda (older kids) are always fabulous, but they have been out along time, so you may be able to get them used (Game Crazy or similar stores sell used games).


My kids are enjoying the new Mario Bros. game.


There are Dance Dance games too that have been hits in years past and have got a lot of use.

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We just received Wii Fit Plus and we love it! It has soooo many activities that I think it will keep us interested for awhile! We also have Dance, Dance Revolution and it is really fun as well. When we bought ours, it came with the dance mat and disc, which is all you will need. I would HIGHLY recommend both of those. We also have all of the Sing Its and have a ball with these. There is no movement or anything with the Sing Its, if that is what you are looking for, but we do dance around while singing and are in full rock star mode!!! :)

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Wow, this is gonna get expensive quickly!


Think with $100 gift card we will get the Wii Fit Plus and then add controllers as we can afford. Kids are good about sharing controller and/or doing 2 at a time. Question: for the Wii Fit Plus - are a lot of games 2 player where we'd need 2 nunchuks and 2 controllers, or are they single player games they'd just take turns at?


Thanks - there is so much Wii stuff out there it's a bit overwhelming!



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We've had WiiFit since it first came out, and I got the WiiFit Plus for Christmas. It's fun, but I'm still not sure one could really get fit doing it.


I programmed a 30 minute yoga and exercise routine into it today. If it doesn't get me in better shape, it is going to kill me trying. :lol:

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Grandparents surprised kids (& us) by getting our kiddos a Wii for Christmas. It is the sports one that has bowling, baseball, boxing, golfing, and tennis.


We also got a $100 gift card from someone else and want to apply it to Wii games. I think the Wii fit looks great (can you really get fit doing this?) - do kiddos like this, too?


We want the most Wii bang for our $100 bucks. My kiddos are 3 boys aged 16, 14, and 14, and a 10yo girl.





We got the WiiFit Plus this year for x-mas (having the original Wii for one year) and we ALL love it. TONS of games. Great bang for your buck. Love it!

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