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Need Wii setup help


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My parents gave my kids a Wii for Christmas today. Of course, the kids want to play it now. They installed it, but it wouldn't work. I went back and checked things, and I have the remote that wouldn't work working.


However, it won't read the sports disc that came with the game. (Of course, it is the only disc we own.) The disc picture on the screen just spins and spins until timing out to an error message. I've read the troubleshooting part of the book as it says, and I've followed the directions with no luck. (Checking to make sure disc is clean; checking to make sure disc is facing the right way; removing disc, turning off game and reinserting disc. I didn't check to make sure it was made to work in the USA since I know my parents bought it from a department store here.)


Anybody have any additional suggestions? The only thing about our setup is the sensor bar is very close to our TV, because of the TV sits on a skinny shelf. However, I can't see that causing this trouble since we don't make it to the point that it would be sensing anything.


I so don't have time for this. My kids are so excited to have the game, but I don't have any time to deel with this right now.


Thanks in advance.

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I think you either have a dud machine or a dud disk.

My sensor bar is right on TOP of my tv (we have an ancient CRT style tv...) so I can't imagine that being a problem.


I'd contact Nintendo directly or go through all the troubleshooting guides online:


But it might be faster to go to the store & exchange it.....


Bummer for your kids :-(

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The sensor bar wouldn't have anything to do with it. It's a reading error and either your disk is faulty or there's something wrong with the optical drive in the Wii.


If you know someone else with a Wii borrow a game or two of theirs and see if your Wii will read them. If it will you know it's the disc and you can call the Nintendo support line to request a new disk. If it won't read those then it's likely the Wii and you can call the Nintendo support line for that.


It's a bit of a hassle but know that the Nintendo support is EXCELLENT. We got a Gamecube for Christmas several years ago and within a week it wouldn't read discs. I called the support line, troubleshot the problem with them and when nothing worked they sent me an email with detailed instructions on how to get the Gamecube couriered to them at no cost to me. We were sent a new Gamecube in just over a week. I just helped a neighbour who's son managed to mangle the DS he just got a couple of months ago (loose charging port, bent connector pins...You name it, he'd damaged it). Nintendo simply wanted it shipped back at their cost, no questions asked, for an under-warranty repair. Easy peasy.

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I decided to return it, and try again with a new machine.


My mom had given me an envelope with receipts for gifts. I opened that, but the Wii receipt wasn't in there. I called my parents, who are leaving early in the morning, to ask about the receipt. They couldn't find it, but did have their credit card statement, which just shows they spent a bunch of money at Target one day last month. However, I told my Dad that Target should be able to look it up from their credit card. So, he brought me their credit card. I took the card and Wii to Target, which did not have any in stock. However, they found me a nearby store that had seven in stock. I was able to complete my last minute shopping while I was at the second store, so I am much happier than I was a few hours ago.


Thanks for the suggestions.

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