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I have a new blog . . . but now what?

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I have been pondering starting one, but then all of the thoughts you mentioned roll through my mind. I always think who would really care to be reading it and will it just be something I will lose interest in maintaining.


But still I do think it would be fun! Was it hard to set up?

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I think it's helpful to start with a theme or "brand" for yourself and your blog. You may choose to focus on art, nature, curricula reviews, family life, etc. What is your blogging persona like -- detached and reportorial, wry and witty, self-deprecating and "aw shucks, my crazy kids!"? Through what lens do you want to view the events that you're sharing (ie. what's the feel you want readers to get from your blog) -- faith, humor, academia, etc.?


What topics will you blog about? Academics only, academics primarily (with family life mixed in), an even balance of family life and academics, something else?


A lot of bloggers find it helpful to set up topic/theme days for yourself -- I do "Ask a [smrt] Homeshooler" Tuesday (where I answer questions people send me), Wordless Wednesday (photos or videos), and Secular Thursdays (topics pertaining to being a secular homeschooler). Other people do things like Memory Mondays (posting a memory), Off Topic Thursday, things like that. You could do a Sacred Saturday to discuss important aspects of your faith or Meet n' Greet Monday, where you post links to your favorite blogs -- just come up with something catchy that you think you'll be able to write about with some regularity.


Make yourself write, even if you think you don't have much to say. It gets easier once you get into the habit. Blog at least three times a week. Read other blogs and comment with links back to your blog, because once you start generating discussion with your fellow bloggers (out there in the "blogosphere") you'll have even more to write about!


And I've officially run off at the "mouth," so I hope you'll forgive me!

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I have a lot of fun with my blog! I never really branded myself or tried to provide a service, so I don't have a big following. That doesn't bother me. (Actually, I got a little freaked out when a previous blog started getting too much traffic - I shut it down and started over.) I write mostly for my kids. This year I made books (using Blurb) out of my posts from 2007 and 2008, and they are already stained, scuffed, and creased from my kids reading about themselves. :) My blog has helped me become a better photographer, and it saved me a lot of grief when I had two - TWO! - hard drives crash this year. Most of my favorite pictures were online, so the loss wasn't as devastating as it could have been.


Okay, I think I've rambled enough! Just think of your blog as a shiny new toy and have a good time. :D

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This year I made books (using Blurb) out of my posts from 2007 and 2008, and they are already stained, scuffed, and creased from my kids reading about themselves.


What a good idea! I'll be starting one for my Mum (other side of the country) and my sister (another country entirely!) next year when I start tot school with my eldest. I think I'll do the same, write for my kids. That'll encourage me to put a bit more effort into writing and actually make sure I bother with photos. My relatives would probably have got dot points otherwise...




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I have been pondering starting one, but then all of the thoughts you mentioned roll through my mind. I always think who would really care to be reading it and will it just be something I will lose interest in maintaining.


But still I do think it would be fun! Was it hard to set up?


It wasn't hard to set up but there is definately a learning curve. The thing that helped, though, was posting here and having smrtmama help. Thanks, smrtmama!!


I'm still getting help from her! It's mostly tweeking help, though, kwim? I got it set up okay but now, how do I get my categories to do this or how do I get a pic to do that.


Pretty easy, overall but a bit time consuming. I wanted to do it but knew it would be. The other day I happened to have a day where my girl was in some trouble and in her room, my husband wasn't feeling well and had been napping a long time and the house was relatively clean . . . Wow, reading that it's a wonder it ever got done if that's what I had to wait for (especially the "relatively clean" part). It was too cold and dreary to go out and there I was with a big chunk of time . . . and voila!


First I kind of googled around for reviews to see which was easiest to use. From that I decided on WordPress but I also cruised around the internet looking at blogs to see ones I liked and then looked to see where they were hosted. It didn't seem to matter where they were hosted; good ones are on all the sites and it's more individual and not host-specific, it seems too me.


I pulled up WordPress and tried to get stared but at the first bump in the road I went over to blogger. I fiddled around there but it didnt' seem as intuitive so I went back to WordPress. Then I came here asking for help and got it!


I know what you mean about a blog. That's how I felt. But really, There are a couple of improvements I would like to make in my life in general (be more fun mom and wife, tidieer house, et c) and I made up a story that if I blogged that would be some kind of external motivation or accountability. Well, we'll see about that.

Edited by MomOfOneFunOne
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