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What is a sentimental/good gift for a girl turning 18?

Guest janainaz

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Guest janainaz

My MIL and FIL adopted five foster babies many years ago. One of the girls turned 18 today and we are here visiting. She is the sweetest and most beautiful girl and I want to do something special for her. My MIL died 4 years ago and my little SIL is very sentimental. I was going to get a gift card for her, but it just does not say what she means to us. What else could I do that is not too expensive (I've got 3 birthdays and 5 Xmas presents to buy for them).


Please, I need your wonderful, sentimental, creative and yet inexpensive ideas (around $20-25). I'm blank!


She likes to take pictures and is getting a new camera.

She just bought herself a new car.

She likes music.

She loves art - she loves to draw/sketch.


That's it. That's all I have.

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Nice photo album, a gc to print some photo's (CVS, Walgreens, etc), and add a few picture into it that are your favorites. Maybe a nice quote or poem too about family, friendship, or growing older and wiser?

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If you've got, or are able to get, one of her drawings or paintings, how about putting it in a pretty frame. You could add a quotation about family or starting a new life, or a picture of your MIL, if you're crafty. :) I was quite sentimental at that age too, and I would have treasured something like that.


Michael's has a great deal on picture frames right now. They're 50% off, and there's a coupon for an additional 25% off. They also have a 50% off custom framing, but that would still probably exceed your $25 budget.



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Guest janainaz

I love the ideas!


I was just now thinking of taking one of her graduation photos and getting a frame that can be written around it and having the family write their birthday wishes for her on it. You can buy little metal tags that have letters on them (like for scrapbooking, etc.) and I was thinking of spelling out, 'Happy 18th Birthday' - or something like that. I'm getting there.... thanks!

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Think about doing something really sentimental and 'mom-like.' Since moms are the ones who treasure things in their hearts like Mary did of Jesus' growing up years, you might write a few precious moments you remember about this girl. A fun story, a sweet moment, things you appreciate about her years with your family....something that she can keep and tell her children about someday. I think this can be a legacy she carries with her all the rest of her life.

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Is there anything of your MILs that would make a good sentimental gift? when I turned 18 I was given a pair of gold earrings that had been my grandmother's. They don't look like much, but they mean the world because I remember her wearing them and they were very much like what she would have given me herself.

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:Sigh: :001_smile: Lovely.


My mother's grandmother had two pair of solid gold earrings that she wore often. There were two pair, but along the way, one of the four was lost. My mother had three daughters, and she gave us each one. I've had it in a third earlobe hole for 35 years. I often forget it's there. I read your post and touched my ear. I don't wear earrings terribly often, mostly for parties, and when I worked. Usually, I wear no earring at all.


Yet, as I read , I reached up. There was my g- grandmother's little gold earring-- feeling as comforting as ever. Soft, smooth, loved, worn, warm. For well over 100 years it's been in someone earlobe. I love that.



Is there anything of your MILs that would make a good sentimental gift? when I turned 18 I was given a pair of gold earrings that had been my grandmother's. They don't look like much, but they mean the world because I remember her wearing them and they were very much like what she would have given me herself.
Edited by LibraryLover
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