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Are the maps in SOTW1 too simplistic for a 5th grader?


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We did them way back in 1st grade, and I have no recollection of how they were!


I was going to do TOG next year for dd's second cycle of Ancients, but decided not to since I need to simplify. And since I'll be doing SOTW1 with my 2nd grader, I thought I could just use the maps for my 5th grader too. But are they too simple?

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Ok I am going to go out on a limb and say that I, personally, think the SOTW1 maps are a bit too simplistic for a 5th grader. My ds used them in 2nd grade, and they seemed pretty simplistic to me then. :confused: Oh, he loved them and learned a lot, but they are kinda simple.


BUT, do maps need to be difficult? No, probably not. ;) I think I would most definitely have a globe or wall map out though and make sure your 5th grader can locate what he/she is mapping.


Hmmmm...I am also wondering if your 5th grader is going to be somewhat insulted to be doing 'little kid' mapping with sibling. :lol: Bringing it up a notch might be helpful? Just a thought. ;)

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Based on my experience with my oldest, I would say they're fine for 5th but by 7th they were a bit simplistic. I bought Blackline Maps of World History, based on recommendations seen here I'm sure. That book has both simple activities and unlabeled map exercises. Now I just have to be more diligent about using them. :blush:

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Just an idea, but what if you did MFW CTG for 5th grade? It's more "streamlined" than TOG (IMO), and yet, it would include enough work for the 5th grader that's more age-appropriate for him than SOTW by itself. MFW doesn't use volume 1 of SOTW, but you could easily add it if you want to. Then you wouldn't need to use the SOTW AG because you'd have notebooking, mapwork, booklist, etc. already included in the MFW TM. http://www.mfwbooks.com/ctg.htm

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I can't find my SOTW 1 AG right now (buried in garage) but I looked at some samples online and it probably will be pretty simple for her, from what I'm now remembering. As in my S/O post, I hope to add on some Biblical mapwork. Also I could have her add places onto the SOTW map, like LanaTron mentioned. Where would I get ideas of what to add on?


Also going to start a S/O thread about TOG MapAids!


Donna-I have looked many times at the CTG samples but I don't think it will work for us since we're doing a co-op too and need to be more simple at home.


Stacy-I LOVE the look of MtWwA-I was looking at it a couple months ago but I may wait a year or so so I can fold younger ds into it too.

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The suggested map work in the AG is quite simple, but I would think it would be easy to make it more challenging for an older child. The map given is just blank with a few things labeled. You could just have them label more places, or draw lines to show movement of peoples, etc.




I have my 6th grader using some of the SOTW-1 AG maps this year, and I wish that fewer things were pre-labeled. So, if I can find one that's similar in the SOTW-4 AG, I use it instead.


I never have used the map directions in the AG. We have always copied the map info from whatever history encyclopedia we happened to be using. I did this with my oldest one - the only "geography" he ever had - and was very surprised by his high geography score on the ITBS.

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