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kiwis from heaven (cc)

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I have posted before that it has been a hard year for us; dh took a 60% paycut 9 months ago, we have had almost every major appliance die with no way for replace them, and dh's employer didn't pay their part of our insurance premiums so we are without health insurance. It is very difficult and sometimes I feel like my faith may not be strong enough to make it. Then a day like yesterday happens.


My littles (7 & 5) used to love to go grocery shopping with me because I am not above bribing them with treats for good behavior. The caveat is the treat has to be chosen from the produce department. My 7yo dd loves fresh fruits & veggies. She asked for a veggie tray for her birthday. Due to our current budget woes, shopping has become much more dreary. Yesterday dd asked me if we could get kiwis. I told her they weren't on the list. She told me we needed more fresh fruit. I reminded her we still have apples from the neighbor's tree. She told me they are full of vitamin C and her favorite! I pointed out that the little bag of 5 tiny kiwis cost $3.99 and wouldn't even give everyone in the family one. She sighed quietly and gave the kiwis a little pat as we left. I felt terrible. What kind of parent can't buy her child fresh fruit?


Less than an hour after we returned home I got a call from an older woman in our church that I don't know very well, who needed my help. She desperately needed to get the darn kiwis off her over-producing vines before the next big storm system hits. She asked me if I could please bring my kids over and pick fruit. I didn't even know what to say for a minute. We picked fruit for about an hour and got her vines cleared off. We took home 3 big shopping bags full.


I am very thankful that not only is the Lord helping us with our needs, but He is mindful of our wants as well.


Now, what to do with all the kiwis?


Have a great day everyone,

Amber in SJ

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Thanks for sharing. It brought tears to my eyes. It made me wish I had overheard the conversation in the store and could have bought some kiwis to leave on your front porch. :001_smile:

I read a quote just this morning that this reminds me of:


"In the end, the number of prayers we say may contribute to our happiness, but the number of prayers we answer may be of even greater importance. Let us open our eyes and see the heavy hearts, notice the loneliness and despair; let us feel the silent prayers of others around us, and let us be an instrument in the hands of the Lord to answer those prayers." (Dieter F. Uchtdorf)


Just a little reminder that often the Lord uses US to answer other people's prayers! All we have to do is listen & watch...and then act on the promptings of the spirit.

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