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What do you or your children call the grandparents

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I haven't read all the responses so I'm sorry if these are all repeats.


In my family both sides just stuck the last name on, so my grandparents were all Grandma Lastname and Grandpa Lastname.


Dh's grandmothers were called "Deah" (pronounced like "dear" with a strong Southern accent), and "Dee Dee". The grandfathers passed away long before they were grandfathers, and I don't think they were ever called anything grandfatherly.


Our children's grandparents are Grandpa and Grandma Lastname on my side of the family, and Gigi and Grandpa Lastname on dh's side. Sometimes he is also called "Pa", so Gigi and Pa, depending on who is talking about him.

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I only had one set of grandparents, and one g-grandmother. Grandparents were Grandmother and Poppy; g-grandmother was Grandma.


I rather like the sound of "Grandmother." :-) That will be my choice for my new grandchild (due in May on her mother's birthday!).


For my dc, my mother and her dh were Noni and Grandpa. Mil was Grandma.


...your mom and my mom are both "Noni". My nephew came up with that when my sister tried to get him to say Nina or Nanna or something like that, and it just came out Noni. We thought it was adorable, and it SO fits my mom, so it stuck, and now all of her grandchildren call her Noni. In fact, a LOT of people who aren't even related to us call her Noni.

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Latin (since we are classical lol) Ava (Avia) and Avus.




I bet that's what my dh will go for! Heheh.


I called my grandparents Grandma, Grandpa, Nan and Grandad, and my great grandmother Nanny John (her surname was Littlejohn.)


Now my mother goes as Nanna, my dad goes as Dzadek (no one remembers how to spell it, and he only chose it to be cool even though his dad who was the Pole answered to Grandpa.) Dh's mum goes as Grandma and his Dad doesn't seem to call himself anything, but his wife refers to him as Grumps, which is appropriate if not mannerly. I'm not sure what we are supposed to call him.


Maybe I'll go for the Babcia option. I'd have gone Grandma since I liked mine, except my mother in law has kind of spoilt that one for me. Or maybe I'll take the Latin option to be geeky :D



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