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Key to Fractions--Appropriate for a 4th grader?

Chris in VA

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We are using Saxon 6/5 and are doing lots of division right now, including fractions. I'm weak in fractions myself, and thought of supplementing my dd with Key to..., maybe on Fridays to get a little break from Saxon.


Are there clear explanations? Is it appropriate for 4th grade? Any prior knowledge besides math facts needed?

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I used the Key to...series of books with my three oldest and just finished up the Fractions set with ds13. I'd say it is very plain and clear and does not require any knowledge other than math facts and simple long division (when converting improper fractions to mixed numbers). Ds13 is not mathy at all and struggled a bit towards the end with subtracting a fraction and a mixed number from a whole number (needing to to borrow one from the whole number and converting it into a fraction such as 8/8 or 4/4) so that he could then subtract the fractional part of the smaller number. But if your daughter is bright (iirc, she is:)), then I think she'd probably get it.


I love that there are very detailed explanations and they work several examples for each new concept so that if your child has trouble remembering what they are doing, they just need to look back and use the examples as a guide.

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I should have looked ahead in Saxon--there is plenty of fraction coverage! :D

I'm actually very pleased, because fractions always seem to intimidate me (and my other son)--but Saxon 6/5 is making them understandable and easy, so far.

Thanks for the info about Key to..., tho--maybe it'll help someone else.

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  • 2 months later...

We found it incredibly frustrating with my 4th gr ds. We used it to supplement Singapore as suggested by Sonlight. It was very difficult for my ds bc it began with multiplying fractions which IMO is not the easiest. I did my son no favors teaching it bc I kept flubbing up multiples and factors. UGH bad memories.


Not the book that was the problem but user error most likely.

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