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Cramping with implantation bleeding?

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Yesterday I, um, my friend ;) had slight bleeding (slight=pink on tissue, but none on pad). She thought she might be getting a period since she hasn't had one since she got pregnant with her 13-month old (still nursing a few times a day). However, she is thinking it could have been implantation bleeding since she hasn't had any bleeding since.


Today she has had slight cramping. Not quite as bad as menstrual cramps, but more like ovulatory cramps. She knows all about TCOYF and knows all the signs and symptoms. There have been several times over the past few months she thought she was gearing up for a period, but it never happened. She hasn't bothered charting yet, so other than the bleeding yesterday, there are no dates to pinpoint anything.


She has taken a weekly pregnancy test since last June and they all, including the one 2 days ago were negative.


What do you think? How soon could she take another test? She'll take another next Sunday, but she's itching to take one sooner if she may get some info sooner.




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Guest Alte Veste Academy
Yesterday I, um, my friend ;) had slight bleeding (slight=pink on tissue, but none on pad). She thought she might be getting a period since she hasn't had one since she got pregnant with her 13-month old (still nursing a few times a day). However, she is thinking it could have been implantation bleeding since she hasn't had any bleeding since.


Today she has had slight cramping. Not quite as bad as menstrual cramps, but more like ovulatory cramps. She knows all about TCOYF and knows all the signs and symptoms. There have been several times over the past few months she thought she was gearing up for a period, but it never happened. She hasn't bothered charting yet, so other than the bleeding yesterday, there are no dates to pinpoint anything.


She has taken a weekly pregnancy test since last June and they all, including the one 2 days ago were negative.


What do you think? How soon could she take another test? She'll take another next Sunday, but she's itching to take one sooner if she may get some info sooner.





Is she completely, ridiculously exhausted beyond comprehension (besides that which already came with the job)? If so, she should re-test in the morning. If not, she should wait until Sunday, as proposed. :D


I didn't even need a pregnancy test for DS3. I took two naps in one day and I knew.

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With my oldest, I had what at first I thought was simply a shorter & lighter than normal period. I had cramps during this, which is fairly typical for me. It wasn't until my BBT hadn't dropped a week into my "new" cycle that I decided to test.


I have had the most accurate results with Clearblue Easy Early Detection.

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The soonest I've registered a positive was 10 days past conception, or 2 days past implantation spotting. I'm so impatient, I'd hit up Dollar Tree for several cheap tests (they say they detect one of the lowest amounts of hcg I've seen claimed on a test) and test daily.

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Since 25 tests are bought at a time on ebay, it was just too much of a temptation. Another was taken this morning. Negative. No big surprise, but informative. Another will be taken on Sunday, and every Sunday thereafter until one is positive. :001_smile: I, er, she might just take another on Friday given all the other symptoms.

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Negative tests on Friday and today. She'll be testing on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. After that she'll go back to the once a week testing until symptoms change.



Incidentally, years ago I had a friend who had a 3rd baby. When that baby was about a year old she started feeling pregnant although she never had a period. After a few more months of no period, negative tests, and tighter clothes, her 6yo asked when the baby was going to be born. She went to the doctor and sure enough, she was a few months along.

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