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Is anyone else socially spent after yesterday's doings?

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After a big Thanksgiving lunch with my family, and a big Thanksgiving dinner with dh's family, well, I think my introvert self is socially and mentally spent and I do believe I'm good til Christmas for all social interaction.


Don't get me wrong, I love the family, but I really just want to stay home now.

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haha...no I'm fine on the social aspect. I think BIL is coming over this evening again as long he doesn't stay all night!!! He isn't one for knowing when it's time to leave. Dh had to tell him to leave yesterday! :lol:


Food on the other hand. I can't imagine needing to eat again until Christmas. I could hardly get my jeans buttoned this morning. :eek:

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Yes, but it was not due to thanksgiving (ours was last month) but rather from the chaos of it being only 2 days before fall recital and teachers and parents running around all over, kids chaotic and being the one they often turn to because I help out so much in this program. Until the recital is over and we are officially on winter break from the fine arts program I will be totally drained.

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Yes, I feel like that after all social gatherings like that.


My brother and family are up, though, and they have a four-month old who reminds me so much of Ben when he was a baby, so I've been holding him a lot and giving them a break. Ben was very fussy like their son is, and I am just so glad to be able to hold and enjoy him while remembering those very difficult days. It's bittersweet.


I wish I had had more understanding rather than questioning. I got so tired of hearing, "What's wrong with him -- my son _______ never fussed like that."

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