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Amazon shipping

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I have placed several Amazon orders over the last week or so, and today I went to my "Where's my stuff?" page to see when they would be arriving.

Two of the orders were marked "Items will arrive after December 25th." I was using the free super-saver shipping on all orders. I went into these two orders and changed the shipping method to standard - now one has an estimated delivery date as 11/30 and the other is between 12/11 and 12/15 (it's a title that doesn't release until 12/8). So I guess you have to pay for shipping if you want your items before Christmas!


Heather in MD

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My experience with super saver shipping is that when it has a far off date it usually arrives fairly quickly.


Same thing here - we are really close to an Amazon warehouse - but I don't want to risk gifts not arriving in time. We are only doing a few gifts each for the kids, so I want to make sure they are here LOL!


Heather in MD

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Is it possible that the items are not in stock? The only time that I have had to wait a while was when I ordered something that was not in stock.


All of the items were in stock when I placed the order. But now one of them is out of stock. So I guess I'll just have to wait and see if it shows up :)


Heather in MD

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Ok, I had the opposite experience. I ordered 6 items from Amazon on Saturday afternoon. 5 of them shipped late Saturday night, the other on Sunday afternoon! I used Super Saver shipping for everything. I was shocked that they got them out so quickly (and really pleased, because I'm up against a looming Hanukkah deadline that is much nearer than Christmas!).

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Right now Amazon is doing the free Prime Trial offer for one month. Go to the sign up and it should show for you.


I have found in the past if you order five things and one thing is held up then it can hold up the whole order. If you call CS they can usually release the other items for shipping or fix it in some way for you.

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