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I Need A Haircut!

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I need a haircut, badly. Its been a year or more since my last one, and I just can't put it off any longer. :( I know, to many people, a hair cut is no big deal, but I hate it soooo much! First of all, being bumped in the bad arm is a guarantee. Second, I don't know of anywhere that cuts 'curly' (aka one curl at a time, dry). Its all wash, brush straight, cut straight. No matter what, it always ends up being shorter than I wanted, or just plain looking like crap.


It wasn't until I moved to the city I live in now that 'drying' cost extra. Honest to peter, they actually charge for it, seperate to the cut! Like, who in the heck DOESN'T want their hair dried after its been cut?! Especially when you live in Canada, in the winter? "No thanks, I haven't had pneumonia yet this year, leave it wet!" (and yes, I know that pneumonia doesn't happen by wet hair, its a virus/bacteria). *sigh*


I need it done. My hair is clumping into an impossible matted knot just from shampooing it. Too many split ends.


There's no way on this green planet I'm forking out $$$ on a haircut either. Not in November, with Christmas lurking. Heck, not any time of year if I'm going to be totally honest. When I was single, before I was a Mom...:lol:


Unfortunately, that means Magic Hack...err...Cuts for me. :crying:


On a happy note, Wolf coloured my hair for me tonight. Two boxes of dye later, I'm really happy with the auburn brown he picked out. Much better than the 'holy dark roots almost to the tips of the ears, Batman, with light strawberry blonde from there to the middle of my back' look I'd been sporting :tongue_smilie:

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Too late, no pics were taken of the 'before' :tongue_smilie:


Honestly, I don't know if SpecialMama does or not. Of all we've talked about, its never, shockingly, come up :lol:


And she isn't answering her home phone either. Ooops...its almost 10 here, that might be why :lol:

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I hate getting my hair cut, too. I really have no excuse, though. My hair is pretty straight and easy to cut, plus I have a friend who will cut it just as well as the salon FOR FREE.


I still don't give in and get it cut until it is absolutely driving me crazy - like when I roll over in bed and it wraps around my neck and chokes me; or when I keep sitting on it; or when I constantly shut it in the door of the van; or when I'm eating and hair gets in my mouth (and it's so long I have to pull it all the way back up my throat to get it out... TMI???).




So, I get it cut about every 18-24 months. Laziness maybe????

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I was just thinking tonight that I need my annual haircut. Needleroozer cuts mine. Does Specialmama cut hair?


Let's make a date...... I am fairly open in the mornings, and all day every other Monday. Give me a ring..............


Funny, I am *not* a hair-cutter-type person, but your hair is easy to do!

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I have been wondering if it is time to cut mine yet. I started growing it out (from 0- shaved head 0), 2 Augusts ago, and it is just long enough to pull it back. It looks a bit scraggly, but if I cut it, I would have to work at getting it long enough to pull back again. I am thinking I will try to hang out with it a bit longer and maybe review it for cutting again around my birthday in March.


It is long enough now, that the nickname Needleroozer is starting to not really fit, lol, but I won't give it up.

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our local children's hair cutting place does adult hair for the same cost as a child's - $10- ($12- if you have it washed, $15- if you have it washed and dried). they do an amazing job....


maybe somewhere near you does the same?




It isn't that I don't have the money to get it cut, more that I do not know if it is time yet or not. The more I think about it, the more I think I am not willing to give up any length yet. I think shape can come later, when there is a bit more to shape!


Also, one of the reasons I want to wear it long, in addition to wanting to wear braids again, is that my hair is notoriously hard to cut, and I rarely find someone who cuts it well. My Dude says he thinks I am hard to please- I think it is more that it is hard for me to explain what I see in my head........

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Let's make a date...... I am fairly open in the mornings, and all day every other Monday. Give me a ring..............


Funny, I am *not* a hair-cutter-type person, but your hair is easy to do!


I'll call you! I haven't been feeling well but I think I'm starting to turn the corner.


I have been wondering if it is time to cut mine yet. I started growing it out (from 0- shaved head 0), 2 Augusts ago, and it is just long enough to pull it back. It looks a bit scraggly, but if I cut it, I would have to work at getting it long enough to pull back again. I am thinking I will try to hang out with it a bit longer and maybe review it for cutting again around my birthday in March.


It is long enough now, that the nickname Needleroozer is starting to not really fit, lol, but I won't give it up.


I love your hair! But then you have the nice thick hair that I wish that I had. . .!

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I'll call you! I haven't been feeling well but I think I'm starting to turn the corner.

I have been meaning to call and check on you, but this working 6 to 7 days a week thing is tough getting used to- haven't been in touch with anyone.

I have an appt at 10 today, but will be free after 1130 or so. If you don't call me, I will call you.



I love your hair! But then you have the nice thick hair that I wish that I had. . .!

Funny- it is still thick, but not nearly as thick as it was the last time I grew it out 20+ yrs ago. I am actually glad it isn't as thick now- it actually seems more managable.

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