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stomach flu

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I start by taking a whole bunch of probiotics. I also have several homeopathic remedies that I use, but homeopathics can be quite specific and while one works especially well for me, it does not have the same success rate with my littles if they come down with a stomach virus. :glare: I have yet to find the right homeopathic for stomach flu in my littles.


I've recently discovered a little gem in the way of Traditional Chinese Medicine. There are pills called Po Chai pills that are amazing for the treatment/remedy of indigestion, heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea, and bloating. They are also supposedly very effective for prevention of hangovers and alcohol poisoning so they must work through the bloodstream as well. They are not recommended if you are pregnant or nursing, but I have given them (after checking with a ND) to some of my older littles when necessary. These pills really work! They can be hard to come by, depending where you live, but I've been able to find them at some health food stores or at Asian food stores.


I'm sorry you're not feeling well.

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When the stomach flu went through the house, I switched to a diet of saltines, grapes, and mild cheese. I was the only member who did not get really sick, although I was mildly nauseous. Even ended up losing 15 pounds when all was said and done. ;) I hope you find something that works.

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I have found that organic, unfiltered, apple cider vinegar (about a teaspoon) diluted in some water and a bit of agave nectar or other sweetner for those who don't like the tartness helps. Last time the stomach virus went through out house I had some once or twice a day and did not get sick.

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The most accepted, known way is carob powder. The dose is 1 T. mixed with applesauce. We are never able to take that much but we take what we can and more often. It really helps. Carob powder is a very accepted cure for diarrhea. The reason it works is that it kills the germs causing the diarrhea.


My nutritionist said digestive enzymes on an empty stomach, but I have not had success with that.

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