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Can someone tell me what the Settlers of Catan game is about/like?

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Sort of like Monopoly, but with settlers :-) They start from scratch, building their settlement--making tools, building roads and houses, planting crops, trading with each other for resources, and so on.


It's been a big hit at our church with the *adults* :D

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"It's wonderful -- just buy it!"


It's helpful, according to her, if you can laugh a lot while you're playing it. IOW, don't take yourselves too seriously.


Sounds like a chip off the ol' block, huh? :D This game is high on my list of things to buy asap.



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Our family loves it. In fact, it's my favorite game to play with my boys. But I would have to disagree with another poster who said it's like Monopoly. In Monopoly, the game is always the same. With Settlers, the board changes every time you play, so each time you have to adapt to those changes. And hope that you figure out how to adapt better than your opponents do.

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We love Settlers (and the Cities & Knights expansion)! DH and I started playing with DS when he was 8.5 (because you need at least 3 players), but that was a tad on the young side. Now that he's 12, he's more likely to win (or at least be close) and so likes it better.


A game of Settlers usually takes us 45 minutes to an hour with three players.


Warning: This game can be highly addictive. When we first got it, we played 2-3 games a day.

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No, it's *much* faster than Risk. You may remember in one of the game threads I said I hated any game like Sorry! that takes *forever*.


Ooh, good! I like manageable games. ;) Monopoly and Risk get too many NO's because of the time-factor.


Now, where can I buy it? :) Do I have to order it online? We're due for a new board game.

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We have Settlers, the 5-6 player expansion (a must) and Catan Histories: A Struggle for Rome. I prefer the latter, but it's significantly more complicated. IMHO, Settlers is the single best introduction to Eurogaming. I'd recommend picking up Carcasonne or Carcasonne: Hunters and Gatherers too (with the smaller expansions).


Our favourite sites for finding out about new games are:




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My sister introduced us to it, and we gave it to my oldest daughter for her birthday (she turned 17 in Feb.) We need 2 expansion packs for everyone who is old enough in our house to play, so we painted the second set differently than all the other colors. I like it because it *is* different every time, it seems like I learn something new each time (have to stay on my toes with creativity to beat my 14yo son) and it doesn't take long.


The only problem we have with it here is that the 2 and just turned 5 yo want to play too, and they are wwaayyy too young.


enjoy! I got ours at amazon too. but I got the 4th edition, because that's what my sister had, and it was cheaper!

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I did that to learn how to play the board game, and have gotten absolutely nothing done since then. It is very addictive. I almost enjoy it more than the board version. In fact, I am spending a lot less time on this board since I am wasting so much time playing the game.:001_smile:

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