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Can't get a word in edgewise- (s/o being interrupted in converastions)

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I mean people, especially relatives, who call you on the phone and carry on a monologue instead of dialogue.



My mother just called and something she said, about someone in her ladies' group got her wound up. This is how it goes:


"Are you busy?"

"Well, we're reading our history.."

"Do you know last night at meeting Bessie....."


For twenty minutes (during which time DD sneaks off to play Barbie ), she goes on and on and I can only get in the occasional "Well, I would... Well, you could just.... Well, if you......."


But the funniest part is, when I do get a pause it's usually-


"Well, mother let me tell you what I think..."

"Oh shoot, that's the doorbell, I'll call you later."


She just did it a few minutes ago, and I actually laughed out loud when we hung up. :lol:


And when she calls back, she'll pick up where she left off.


She's not senile, and she's not intentionally discourteous, just... excitable and a real talker. :D

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Sometimes people just need a sounding board... maybe you should send her a link here :rofl:


I do that sometimes, I always feel like such a heel when I hang up and realize I didn't even allow time for any sort of response. Then I call back and have an akward conversation full of long silences :p

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I feel your pain. :D My DAD is exactly like that. Now I'm a big talker (starting w/full sentences to strangers at 18 mo.!), and so is my mom, but my dad can out-talk both of us! If I call him for a specific reason, I have to address it immediately or it will get completely lost in the deluge! He drives dh crazy when he visits, because dh likes to talk when he's in the mood, but he doesn't care about what my dad wants to talk about, which is mostly what is going on with every person he knows (and my dh doesn't!).

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