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Science For Ages 9-11


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Hi everyone! We just officially started homeschooling this year... and after a few attitude adjustments (to include my own) now in November we are truly enjoying ourselves and having the time of our lives!! So glad we made this decision.


Anyways, I was given some great advice to work on History vs. Science at the beginning of the year. Well, we chose History:

#1 seems more economical and

#2 I did not seem so oblivious of where to begin with Science (so many choices and want what was best for us)


And now 2nd half of year is dawning (already!!!) and I am looking for some advice on curriculum:


  • I am teaching both children the same subject - where do I start considering their ages and the core subjects/scientific learning processes have barely been introduced to them? Chemistry? Biology? Physics?

  • We need to use a non-creation based curriculum for the base of our studies - have any suggestions? However will be purchasing creation-based (possibly Apologia) to accompany - any suggestions?

  • Anyone who read/used Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding (Nebel) feel it is a good starting point for me to get a crash course on Science? if not, is there such a book available?

  • My goal is to find something that fits our liking and learning style with challenging topics to research and work through projects. Maybe I should add ~ We love hands on!

TIA ~ Have a wonderful day today; hopefully living life to its fullest! Our kids are watching :ohmy:

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For chemistry, look into The Elements by Ellen McHenry, which is secular. It's a semester-long course if you do it a few times per week. She has a follow-on course called Carbon Chemistry, which I've heard great things about & am planning to use next semester. A great supplement written from a Christian POV is Exploring the World of Chemistry by John Hudson Tiner. That tells the story of the history of the subject.

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Carmen, that looks so good.


Do you ever wish you could justify using two or more classes to teach one class? :p


Not Carmen, but of course you can; many of us do it all the time. :lol:

You can even sit down and make lesson plans that way, omitting anything that is redundant. ;)

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I love too many things..... How many chemistry classes can one boy take?!? :lol:


You can never have too much Chemistry!:lol:


Seriously, to the OP, I'm not sure that it's as important to start at the beginning of science (ie. Biology) as it is for history. With those ages, I would go with either Chemistry or Physics or even Astronomy. You may want to ask your kids what they want to study. Elemental Science's programs do include alot of hands on projects as I feel it's the best way for learning science during the grammar stage. If you have any questions, I'm around!

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I just ordered some more math books :p Can you ever have enough math? I think I will go ahead and get the elemental science, at least her classes on scientists. I do love Mr. Q, but Elemental goes with TWTM... I'll just have to combine!


We have Adventures with Atoms and Molecules, we made it through book 1, but I didn't feel like we were learning chemistry so much as practicing it.

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(wrote a nice long message the other day and it vanished right before my eyes...) Anyways, I must thankyou all so much - I am liking the idea of Earth Science for our first year!! Never thought of that :D



The boys would love a telescope - what recommendations does anyone have considering quality/price?

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