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If you attended a homeschooling seminar called, "Making Math Meaningful". . .


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what would you like to hear or learn about?


It is specifically NOT supposed to be a review of curricula. I'm in charge of planning the meeting: thinking of things like understanding when different mathematical concepts solidify, creative ways to teach math facts, etc.


Any input?

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Your title is the name of a math program by David Quine, so I would expect to hear about that program. Can you change the title of your talk? Could you go with something like "Math: How to Make it Make Sense"?


In your talk I would like to hear how developmental stages should be considered in math. I would like to hear that I don't need to teach multiplication in the 2nd grade just to keep up with the schools. Another interesting topic would be how to taech math during your everyday activites (cooking, folding clothes, driving, dividing portions, balancing the check book, figure miles per gallon of gas, etc.)


I would like to hear about ways to transition from basic math to algebraic concepts. I would like to hear about high school math and college math challenges and how to overcome them.


Just some thoughts.

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MAybe how to use a shopping experience as a math lesson?


Maybe to tell people what to look for in their chidren's mathematical "inclination" and if a curriculum does not work, to try another type?


Math is important because all the other sciences are based in math. I do not know if people need to explain to their highschoolers who want to become doctors, engineers, computer scientists, accountanants that all these professions are based on math.


I don't know who is in your audience. But the above would give me some ideas. But what do I know, my oldest is in first grade and I used to be a computer scientist, so I love math.

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Your title is the name of a math program by David Quine, so I would expect to hear about that program. Can you change the title of your talk? Could you go with something like "Math: How to Make it Make Sense"?


Maybe just Meaningful Math or A Guide to Meaningful Math would work, to keep the original meaning (unavoidable pun, sorry).


I would expect to come away with a list of implementable ideas on getting across to my kids the why and wow behind what we do in our math lessons.

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Well, "Math Made Meaningful"..... I'd love to hear more about Living Math... so... that's what I'd hope. Greg Tang... Cindy Neuschwander.... Living Math (the Julie stuff.... from the Living Math group....) Julie has a Math program that coincides with SOTW..... and I'd love to see that.

Maybe you could have some of the Living Math type curricula available?



PS>>> if you get in touch with them now, perhaps they'd send you samples?

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