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Writing with Ease - confused about what I need


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I am looking to get this for my first grader, but don't understand what I need - the student pdf pages and Instructor's Manual - I thought that was it - but then I noticed a Workbook 1??? And info in there seems to be the same as in the Instruuctor's Manual? Please help - whoever can make sense of what I wrote...

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For WWE 1, the student pages are bound with the instructor's pages in the textbook/workbook combo. I believe there are pdfs of the student pages for those who wish to print them easily for multiple kids. There is a hard bound WWE textbook which covers all the years and gives about 6 weeks of material for each level. The WWE textbook/workbook combo gives you all the material for the entire year but only for that one level.


clear as mud?



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Yep. This is from the TOC of the Teacher's manual.


Year One, Weeks 1-3

For week 1 the passage is given, the questions to ask are given, the copywork is given. For weeks 2 and 3, it tells you to choose sentences of 5-8 words and narrations of around 2 paragraphs from history, science and literature books.


Weeks 4-10 - "copywork sentences remain essentially the same length, while introducing a variety of proper names." AGain the passage is given, questions are given and copywork for week 4. For weeks 5-10, it tells you to find passages with proper names of people, cities, and states w/ week 5-6 for proper names of people, weeks 7-8 for cities and weeks 9-10 for states.


It goes like this until week 36. THen it does Year 2, weeks 1-10 etc., Year 3, and then Year 4.


So you can buy the Textbook and have weeks done for you and then do all the other weeks yourself for 4 years using lit, science and history OR you could buy a workbook for each year and have all the passages, copywork, things to point out, narration, dictation done for you.


Yes you can just get the workbook which covers only 1 year but everything is laid out for you....pick up and go.




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Wow, thank you for the amazon "tip" - I don't get why it's cheaper there, but that's ok. Thanks again.


You're welcome. :) Buying it for less makes me less cranky when I go get the thing rebound (having the teacher's section separate and spiral bound makes it sooo much easier to handle!). Costs me about $6.

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Where do you get it done? Kinkos?


Yep. :001_smile:


For WWE2 I spriral-bound the teacher's section and 3-punched the student pages and put them in a binder and then would give dd just the page she needed to work on. For WWE3, since the student pages then have the stories, I sprial-bound them as well so she can hold it in her lap.

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Does WWE teach all the nuts and bolts of writing such as how to write summaries, paragraphs, essays, reports, and outlines?


Also my ds is 7 and able to write sentences and to spell a fair amount of words. Should I start him with WWE 1 or 2?


A comment about your previous post - if money is tight, you'd be better off buying the WWE text and using the suggestions to apply to your own reading, instead of buying the workbooks. The text covers four years of lessons.


WWE teaches copywork, dictation, and narration. It moves the child from copywork to dictation, while building narration skills. Eventually, it starts to train the child to narrate to himself and write his own narration down. It's a gradual process that teaches the child to think carefully about his reading, and translate it into writing. By the end of WWE, he will be able to write a really good narration of 3-4 sentences, enabling him to move on (but still practice) to learning to outline (which the next book coming out is supposed to teach, but the new WTM also has excellent outlining instructions in it) and then rewriting from outlines.


So, it doesn't necessarily teach how to write paragraphs, although really, once the child can write a succinct narration, it's a matter of adding a topic sentence, I think. You can move on to developing good paragraphs and learning other types of writing from there with a good writing course such as R&S writing lessons, or other programs recommended in WTM.


I'd say if your 7yo is writing sentences, he could start with level 2. This is where dictation is introduced (transition from copywork).

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Does WWE teach all the nuts and bolts of writing such as how to write summaries, paragraphs, essays, reports, and outlines?



Also my ds is 7 and able to write sentences and to spell a fair amount of words. Should I start him with WWE 1 or 2?


WWE does not teach all the nuts and bolts of writing. (I'm sure there are many who will disagree with me...) It is copywork, dictation, and narration with very short grammar,style, punctuation 'lessons' in the mix. I hesitate to call them lessons because you really just point out the grammar/style/punctuation and carry on.


That being said, it seems to be just right for my 3rd grade son who has struggled with all aspects of language arts. He isn't ready for "all the nuts and bolts," so this is a good stepping stone on the road to more writing.

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