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Wheat grass, anyone?

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I have been reading that wheat grass is thought to be beneficial to cancer patients (specifically prostate cancer, as dh has recently been diagnosed).


How do you ingest this stuff? Where do you get it? I suppose I am looking for the basic wheat grass tutorial :001_smile:.



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You buy wheat berries, sprout them, and leave them to grow in a tray of dirt on your kitchen bench for a week or so. That's how you get it. Is there any reason why wheat grass instead of some other green vegetable? There are green things that taste much better. We like sunflower lettuce, actually. Buy from animal feed shop and do as described above. Most people mix wheat grass into smoothies so they can't taste it, I think. We sometimes put sunflower lettuce in smoothies, but it is tasty so we eat it in salad most of the time.


Crossing my fingers for your hubby...



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I am so sorry for your dh! :grouphug: Here is a short video on the value of wheat and wheat grass in the diet. It is a very healthy, powerful (strong-tasting) food. You can also find green powders made with wheat and barley grass that you can mix with vegetable juices. There are tons of great articles on living foods and their powers for healing at the Hallelujah Acres site. Blessings~



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I am so sorry for your dh! :grouphug: Here is a short video on the value of wheat and wheat grass in the diet. It is a very healthy, powerful (strong-tasting) food. You can also find green powders made with wheat and barley grass that you can mix with vegetable juices. There are tons of great articles on living foods and their powers for healing at the Hallelujah Acres site. Blessings~





Ooh, I was going to link to this exact video. Lots of great info. I tried wheat grass, but had trouble finding a good wheat grass juicer. Now I just throw the wheat grass in the blender with smoothies.




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look into alkalizing his body. If your PH gets to 7-8 it is suppose to nuetralize the cancer cells so that they don't multiply and above 8 to 9 it is suppose to kill the cancer cells. I bought some alkalizing pills for my dh's father who has Multiple Myeloma and his went into complete remission after they told him they couldn't treat him anymore. He has had it for over 10 years now. Investigate this first though because I can't remember if 8.5 is as high as you can go before getting something for being too alkaline. One of the websites I went to I think was BulkHerbs.com by Salome Pearl. I am going off memory here. So look carefully into the level that you can't go past. Sending prayers for him.

I also put him on Essai Tea. We used the pills because it tastes so bad but my aunt drank the tea when she had stage 4 colon cancer and she is over 15 yrs remission.

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You can do this just with diet too. There are several websites that list alkaline vs. acidic foods. Get the Ph strips and test.


I have a juicer that does grasses. It is the Green Life juicer. I buy the wheat grass already grown though. I could do it myself but I haven't yet.


I drink it strait and then have a citrus fruit juice "chaser." I now don't even need the chaser as I don't mind the taste.




look into alkalizing his body. If your PH gets to 7-8 it is suppose to nuetralize the cancer cells so that they don't multiply and above 8 to 9 it is suppose to kill the cancer cells. I bought some alkalizing pills for my dh's father who has Multiple Myeloma and his went into complete remission after they told him they couldn't treat him anymore. He has had it for over 10 years now. Investigate this first though because I can't remember if 8.5 is as high as you can go before getting something for being too alkaline. One of the websites I went to I think was BulkHerbs.com by Salome Pearl. I am going off memory here. So look carefully into the level that you can't go past. Sending prayers for him.

I also put him on Essai Tea. We used the pills because it tastes so bad but my aunt drank the tea when she had stage 4 colon cancer and she is over 15 yrs remission.

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Thanks for all the info!


Mama T, thanks for your kind offer. Will my Bosch kitchen machine blender not be able to handle wheat grass? I think it could handle lug nuts.... I also have a Breville juice extractor. It wouldn't have occurred to me that I might need a new kitchen appliance as well.

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