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AP Latin online?

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I have been very, very impressed with the instructor, Amy Barr. DD and I had no thoughts of pursuing Latin all the way through high school. However, the quality of the instruction/course format has been so good, that we may just continue on with Latin through her senior year. Of course, that will depend upon my daughter. That would only put us in Latin 3a. So, I would guess that the AP would be beyond our reach. Anyways, another course to consider. If you are interested in seeing a course session, I do believe Mrs. Barr will send you a sample.


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Another vote for Lukeion. My dd loves Mrs. Barr and has done wonderfully in her class, though I have not had her take the AP exam. She is taking Latin 2 this year and will take Latin 3 next year. If they develop a 4th year Latin, she'll take that her senior year. I agree with the poster who suggested emailing Amy Barr - she is responsive, interesting, and very knowledgeable. In fact, I highly recommend the Lukeion Project for the short workshops, too. Both of my older dd's have taken workshops from Amy Barr and her husband, Regan, and they're EXCELLENT.


I don't mean to hijack the thread, I just really want more people to know about Lukeion!:001_smile:

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May I be the 4th vote for Lukeion? :D


My son is in the first year Latin class, and has already signed up for the next semester. I just LOVE the way the class is done, and Amy Barr is wonderful.


If you decide to e-mail her your AP question, be sure to come back and let the rest of us know the answer. :tongue_smilie:

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These classes look great. I have seriously been considering it but I do have a question that perhaps those who have taken their classes and workshops can answer.


I am a secular homeschooler and this statement in particular concerns me...Regan began his education with a B.A. in Christian Ministries. I do not mind religion being discussed but I do mind it being preached; specifically a specific belief as the only truth. The class we are looking at taking in the spring is the Mythology Class which is why I must ask how they treat this. Next fall I would like my daughter to take either Latin 2 or 3. Anyone have any insight?


Thank you.

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I haven't seen any references in Latin 1 or the Alexander the Great seminar.



These classes look great. I have seriously been considering it but I do have a question that perhaps those who have taken their classes and workshops can answer.


I am a secular homeschooler and this statement in particular concerns me...Regan began his education with a B.A. in Christian Ministries. I do not mind religion being discussed but I do mind it being preached; specifically a specific belief as the only truth. The class we are looking at taking in the spring is the Mythology Class which is why I must ask how they treat this. Next fall I would like my daughter to take either Latin 2 or 3. Anyone have any insight?


Thank you.

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I have travelled through Italy and Greece with the Barrs and *never* at any time was there any Christian witnessing by anyone. I know they're Christians, but they're quiet about it. They do offer a four-week seminar on the last week of Jesus' life, and that's geared for Christians, but their other courses are just basic classical language and history.

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My Dd took Latin IV Vergil class at Scholars Online last year and scored a 5 on the AP test. She had a wonderful time with the teacher and exceptionally bright fellow students. Dr. McMenomy is a well organized teacher and inspires his students to go above and beyond what is required. My second dd is currently taking Latin IV this year. So I highly recommend Scholars Online.

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Karen Karpinnen is a rigorous teacher and teaches Latin 100-400. My kids had her for Latin 200 last year.. my son (who is no Latin scholar) tested into a precollege level this year in school. She is really well organized and a good teacher. If you google Lone Pine Classical school on the web, you will get the contact information, etc.

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My Dd took Latin IV Vergil class at Scholars Online last year and scored a 5 on the AP test. She had a wonderful time with the teacher and exceptionally bright fellow students. Dr. McMenomy is a well organized teacher and inspires his students to go above and beyond what is required. My second dd is currently taking Latin IV this year. So I highly recommend Scholars Online.


That's so good to hear! I love that they're offering higher levels of both Latin and Greek... I think I know where a huge chunk of my school budget will be going next year... :)

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