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Anyone ever frozen Quiver's cinnamon rolls?

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So, I made Quiver's cinnamon rolls for my family - with a cup or so of pumpkin thrown in for extra flavor :)


The recipe makes sooo much! Has anyone ever frozen them (before the second rising), and then taken them out later, thawed, allowed to rise, and baked? Does it work?



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You know, I think it SHOULD work.


I froze them on a tray last night, this morning I took them out and bagged them. I'll take them out Wednesday afternoon, to bake Thursday morning.


I love to buy Rhodes bread dough, which is about the same concept. I'm hopeful!

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Yes - I do it all the time. I made a TON of them last year for friends for Christmas. I made the dough in the bread machine, the filled/shaped/cut them and put them in pans. From there I froze them. I told them to take them out the afternoon before and stick them in the fridge or at night on the counter. Then bake as usual. It was a huge hit.

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So, I made Quiver's cinnamon rolls for my family - with a cup or so of pumpkin thrown in for extra flavor :)


The recipe makes sooo much! Has anyone ever frozen them (before the second rising), and then taken them out later, thawed, allowed to rise, and baked? Does it work?





I haven't tried it, but I think freezing before rising, then rising and cooking would work. They might not be as fluffy but I thik they would stil be yummy! I want to try them with pumpkin now!

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The first batch was soooooo yummy!


I added about 1/2 c. (a little more, maybe) of canned pumpkin. I ran out of white flour after 4 c., so I had to add another cup or so more of whole wheat, and they were de-li-cious.


I'll have to post on Thursday and let you know how we like them!

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I have frozen them immediately after slicing (and then thawing and rising later), or I have also frozen them already baked and frosted. Both are good but the unbaked version will keep longer in the freezer. I usually make a double batch because we don't think a single batch makes enough.

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Jean, I know your here, so please don't take offense!:D


Who's are better...these or PW's? Or are they just completely different? These look easier, somehow. PW's look like a gigantic production and I'm not much of a baker. Would love to have dd make cinn rolls with me for Thanksgiving morning!


When, where would you add the pumpkin? Or what about orange zest?

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I've never made PW's, but they are only "slightly" more complicated than Quiver's. For my money, I'd make Quiver's first, and if it works out, go for PW's. Her recipe makes more, btw.


I added the pumpkin puree with the wet ingredients, and whisked it in thoroughly. Just remember to add more flour, or you'll have a sticky mess!

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I didn't use Jean's recipe, but it looks just like the one that I did use apart from the icing. I typically prefer cinnamon rolls without icing or with very little.


Ree's are absolutely fabulous but a bit more work, and the icing has a maple flavor. I loved it when I tried it, though like I said, I am not an icing person. Ree's makes enough to freeze batches as gifts.


The recipe here is simpler but delicious.


And yes, you can freeze before baking then bake and frost or you can prepare them all the way and freeze them frosted. I personally think it's better to freeze then bake because the smell of baking cinnamon rolls is so delightful, and the frosting will look nicer fresh.

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