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SOTW audio


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I love the audio books! Of course, we don't listen to them in place of reading the book. During history, we read from the book. My boys listen to the cd at bedtime. In fact, they listened to disc 2 last night. Although, they don't listen to it every night (we have several books they like to listen to), they get excited hearing recent chapters we've covered. Not sure if it's because it's someone other than Mom reading or if it's the "Hey, I know this!" factor. We only have volume 2 so not sure if this helps. I really wish I had gotten volume 1 last year though.

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I realize I am probably in the minority here, but Jim Weiss' voice gets on my nerves very quickly. We have the CDs as back-ups in the car, but I can't bear to pull them out very often. I will not buy them for subsequent volumes and wish I hadn't for this one. We love books-on-CD generally, but not this one.



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I realize I am probably in the minority here, but Jim Weiss' voice gets on my nerves very quickly. We have the CDs as back-ups in the car, but I can't bear to pull them out very often. I will not buy them for subsequent volumes and wish I hadn't for this one. We love books-on-CD generally, but not this one.


I agree. How I wish I could get that thirty bucks back.

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Can someone give me an opinion of the SOTW audio for vol 1??? Thanks


We absolutely love ours!!! We had originally started out with just the text but our local library purchased all 4 sets of SOTW on CD so we checked out vol. 1 just to try it. I liked the idea of listening to it in the car if we needed to run out for something.


We fell in love with it. It really brings the history to life thanks to Jim Weiss. It is read by him and my kids love the way he tells the stories. We were quickly sold on it and purchased our own copy. We now listen to it every time we go out. My kids actually beg me to put it on when we get in the car. ;)


We still use the text for map work etc. but we love to hear the stories through the CD's.


I highly recommend them. They really changed the way my kids view history.


Good luck!

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The first 2 volumes of SOTW were originally recorded by Barbara Alan Johnson. However they are not longer available unless you find used copies. They contain the text of the very first editions of Vol 1 and 2. Peacehill Press now has all four volumes recorded by Jim Weiss.




Barbara Johnson? Who is she...does she read the SOTW text too? Where does one get a copy of that??



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She is the mother of one of WTM's posters.


Has she done any other audiobooks? We really love her recordings of SOTW.


I got the recordings several years ago -- I was having a hard time reading the books to my son at bedtime. He fell in love with the recordings and has practically memorized them -- he's listened to them over and over. Now if I could get my younger son that excited!

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I don't think so - but I don't know for sure. Maybe she will chime in if she sees this, unless she wants to remain anonymous ;)


Has she done any other audiobooks? We really love her recordings of SOTW.


I got the recordings several years ago -- I was having a hard time reading the books to my son at bedtime. He fell in love with the recordings and has practically memorized them -- he's listened to them over and over. Now if I could get my younger son that excited!

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Sometimes I like to use audios of books because my eyes get tired on days I have to do a lot of reading and writing. My daughter has liked to listen to the audios occasionally but she prefers to read the books herself or be read aloud to. So we have only listened to a few sections of the audios of the first two books. But I do like the sound of the voice on them. I think they are well done.

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