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Homework ?


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At the ages my dc are (9 and almost 7) I really don't feel homework is necessary. Especially with hsing, I feel we can get enough work done during our school time. Actually, it's all homework, isn't it?:001_smile:


Anyway, at the beginning of the year ds asked for homework this year. I forgot about it, but he reminded me tonight.


For those of you that give homework, do you give them assignments that are review, drill, or independent work that could also have been done in school time? Or something else I'm not thinking of?


Thanks in advance.


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My daughter loves to go to her Dad's office, and we schedule about one or two visit a month... she gets "Homework" - umm it should be "office work"... She's in first grade and we bought one of those Workbooks that covers Math and Language arts... I assign her a number of pages to do and she also takes some books for independent reading and some coloring books or puzzles to do... what she loves is the independence it gives her: she chooses what to do first and in what order....



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When I was in grade, my assignments and homework were interchangeable terms. I did all of my "homework" at school and never took anything home. Homework was basically the questions at the end of the chapter, the math problems given to work after the concept had been explained, etc. So technically, you could just start giving "homework" when he works independently during the school day.

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My ds reads to Daddy for homework. I agree, homework is unnecessary unless you are planning to send them back to ps. If my ds is slacking off during the day, he gets a time limit for his worksheet etc, then what isn' t finished becomes homework.

If my ds was ASKING for homework, I just let him do his math/phonics worksheets (or whatever you have) for homework in the evening. Then let him do silent reading during the day (if you are needing that time to teach other kids.)

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We only have a limited amount of time during the day to do school work, so I usually assign DD a handwriting worksheet and sometimes some math as homework to do while I am sleeping. When we have errands, these are also things we'll take to keep her busy in Dr.'s offices or whatever.

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