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Flu has hit our home

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Don't know which flu but given the number of kids that were out sick from the school dd does her sewing class at I will say it is likely h1n1, ebcause I doubt they sterilized all teh surfaces between the 3:30 hometime bell and the 4pm sewing class. Plus one of their friends was Dx with hini though they were only near him long enough for him to say he couldn't play because he was sick.


Right now ds11 has fever, cough, headache and body aches. This is the kid who has jumped off our roof, runs in the snow barefoot etc. HE is laying here alternating between crying and whimpering from discomfort.


DD10 has fever, cough, head ache and dizziness.


baby girl has fever and cough. SHe has had cough for 3.5 weeks so when she first started coughing worse the other day I thought nothing of it, but today she is non-stop coughing, and fever.


I have minor throat irritation with occasional cough. Ds6 is uneffected and currently tearing apart our toy room.


So it is a good thing we skipped co-op thurs. Still ticked at over all policy but in this case it was a good thiing we opted to stay home and not push it just in case. Now to warn grandma because she was watching teh boys for me yesterday and she will need to make sure she does not make the only other person in her office sick. Also so she can warn the families my boys played with yesterday at her house(ds6 with twin 4 yr olds who live with their grandparents, and ds11 with the 8 yr old next door who has a 3 yr old sister, and both go to ps/daycare because both parents work). It is amazing how fast this can spread. If dd got it from the sewing room, onto our family and from there to 2 daycares and an elementary school, and a cheerleading squad(dd had practice yesterday) and then onto all those schools/families.


What do you think the likelyhood of us passing this on that much, from each of the kids being with these other kids for 2 hours max(the boys played with their friends while dd was at cheer) when none had symptoms until this am?

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I just wanted to say that I am sorry you are all sick! I don't know the answer to your question, but I do know that my 6y/o grand-daughter's birthday party was last Saturday. She went to bed perfectly fine that night and woke a few hours later with a temp of 105 and she was vomiting. She did test positive for H1N1 I have learned. My daughter, sil, and 3 year old grand-daughter are still just fine. In that way, it sounds as if it presents with the same suddenness as the old regular flu - one minute you are fine, the next, WHAM!


Hope you all hold up well and are on the mend soon! :grouphug:


OOPS - wanted to say this -- I think it's impossible to know from whom we have 'caught' the flu if we get it. We were at Church yesterday and there were many folks coughing (nasty coughs), sniffling, sneexing - who's to say who has something that is contagious, and who doesn't.

Edited by MariannNOVA
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DD4 ... fell asleep yesterday while playing with play-doh. She woke up later with a slight fever. Today she has at least 102 fever (wouldn't leave the thermometer in long enough:glare:), has a cough, and just laying around. So, I wonder if this is the flu.


I went to get a new thermometer and only a few were left from a very big display.

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I went to get a new thermometer and only a few were left from a very big display.


that's not good. I bought a new one last week because I happened to be at costco doing a huge shopping trip and saw them. My one at home had been broken for nearly 8 months. I figured it was as good a time as any to buy one. That was last Wednesday, I never figured I would need to use it already. It is getting great mileage already.

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ped got us in for 3:30pm today. Called just to have it confirmed that we could treat at home. As soon as they heard the kids had fever since they woke up they squeezed us in. They said since this just started this am there was still time to give meds, I am going to guess tamiflu? I won't know until we get there. They will also check the baby since her cough has been on going for 3.5 weeks to rule out pneumonia or anything else. The good news about it, is they said we will have no wait time today. They want to put us into a room asap and get us out of there just as fast. Usually we have a 15-20 minute wait time, which isn't long but with sick kids who want to be in bed it is an eternity.

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Just got back from taking my 16 yo to pediatrician. This flu thing hits quickly. You are fine one minute and lousy the next. She has asthma so her cough was really bad. She also has a double ear infection on top of this. It will be a miracle if the rest of us do not catch this.


I hope your family feels better.

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Your child is lying on the sofa whimpering? Yup, that sounds like swine flu.


That's what I figured. This kid is go-go-go never stopping, he is my runner. and runs away from home 2-3 times a day. Today he has been asleep in my bed(funny how no matter how old they get they still want momma's bed when not feeling well), and when no asleep he is whimpering and crying. The tylenol brought his fever down but it is still at nearly 101 even after the meds.


The house is amazingly quiet with the 2 big ones, my biggest trouble makers down for the count. Baby girl is playing with ds6 now, her fever is being controlled by the tylenol, and I think she has gotten used to the cough these last weeks. My biggest worry is that the second the bigs get well the littles will get hardest hit, followed by me of course from being run down taking care of all them while sick. WHich means my bigs will have time to wreak havoc on the neighborhood without me having the energy to stop them. I better not catch this from them.

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Pain was our worst symptom last week. My daughter had a high fever for only a day, but all week she (and her brother and I) had headaches and soreness in every muscle. We were eating three meals a day, but somehow she lost six pounds.


We're still in pain and pitifully weak. This afternoon I took my daughter in to an appointment with her Pilates trainer, and she could only do the easiest of exercises. She's at a Ballet 3 class (designed for third-graders) right now; she would never be able to do her normal Ballet 7 work, but she took the whole week off ballet last week and has to go back.


I'm so glad the doctor is so willing to see your whole family! What a gem! Hope he can give you something to help you out.

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I'm so glad the doctor is so willing to see your whole family! What a gem! Hope he can give you something to help you out.


He is an excellent dr. He and I have gone toe to toe on a few issues. But over all he knows my kids history and the struggles we have had, and that a) I don't go in for every little sniffle and b) He knows Austin well, Austin's med file is 1.5" thick. He knows that him laying here whimpering is not a normal thing for him and that for him to be like that he has to be outright miserable.

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Back from ped. Kids on Tamiflu now. The pharmacy did not have Austin's full dose so we have to go back in 1-2 days for the other half. All 3 have been given their first dose, a little ginger ale(more as a comfort thing than for tummy upset), and are back in bed. Baby girl is nursing again, pretty much all she has wanted to do all day rather than eating.


My mother is driving me insane. She thinks I am being mean to ds6 for isolating him with the rest of the kids even though he is not showing symptoms. I mentioned that I was cancelling all of the kids activities this week, which unfortunately includes a halloween party for his beavers on Wednesday night. You would have thought I told her I was going to cut off his arm the way she carried on. The kids know there is a chance we will not be trick or treating this year depending on how everyone is doing. I told them that unless all 4 of them had been 100% symptom free for at least 24 hours before we would not be going out. Grandma thinks this is akin to child abuse and I should just bundle them up more. She is adament that they are pretending to be this sick(because they can fake fevers so well :glare:) and will be 100% back to normal tomorrow morning, that they only did this to get out of lessons today. Umm, no. I know the difference between a truely sick child and one that is faking thank-you-very-much.


I did buy halloween chocolate bars for me and ds6 to snack on tonight while the other 3 sleep, because after all chocolate cures all that ails you;)

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Back from ped. Kids on Tamiflu now. The pharmacy did not have Austin's full dose so we have to go back in 1-2 days for the other half. All 3 have been given their first dose, a little ginger ale(more as a comfort thing than for tummy upset), and are back in bed. Baby girl is nursing again, pretty much all she has wanted to do all day rather than eating.


My mother is driving me insane. She thinks I am being mean to ds6 for isolating him with the rest of the kids even though he is not showing symptoms. I mentioned that I was cancelling all of the kids activities this week, which unfortunately includes a halloween party for his beavers on Wednesday night. You would have thought I told her I was going to cut off his arm the way she carried on. The kids know there is a chance we will not be trick or treating this year depending on how everyone is doing. I told them that unless all 4 of them had been 100% symptom free for at least 24 hours before we would not be going out. Grandma thinks this is akin to child abuse and I should just bundle them up more. She is adament that they are pretending to be this sick(because they can fake fevers so well :glare:) and will be 100% back to normal tomorrow morning, that they only did this to get out of lessons today. Umm, no. I know the difference between a truely sick child and one that is faking thank-you-very-much.


I did buy halloween chocolate bars for me and ds6 to snack on tonight while the other 3 sleep, because after all chocolate cures all that ails you;)



Hang in there! A few years ago when the flu hit hard here, we had to keep running back and forth to the pharmacy to pick up partial doses of the Tamiflu - and only one pharmacy in town had it.


Sorry about your mom and the grief over Trick or Treat -- moms can be like that. Stick to your guns - you know best! I informed my kids that there is a likelihood that trick or treating 'may be' called off b/c of health concerns....and the DDs response was like nothing I have ever seen! DS didn;t mind - wants to wear a costume but doesn't mind just getting together with the family we traditionally have dinner with - the girls though -- they acted like I cancelled PROM or something!

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