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Robin Hood video?


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WAAYY fun and clean is the 1930s life action version starring Errol Flynn. Also acceptable -- though only very loosely based on traditional Robin Hood tales -- is the Disney cartoon version with Robin Hood as a fox and Prince John as a cowardly lion whose advisor is a boa constrictor named Sir Hiss. Enjoy! And prepare to have a little boy wanting bow and arrows and a Robin Hood outfit to bounce around in for the next few weeks! ;)

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WAAYY fun and clean is the 1930s life action version starring Errol Flynn. Also acceptable -- though only very loosely based on traditional Robin Hood tales -- is the Disney cartoon version with Robin Hood as a fox and Prince John as a cowardly lion whose advisor is a boa constrictor named Sir Hiss. Enjoy! And prepare to have a little boy wanting bow and arrows and a Robin Hood outfit to bounce around in for the next few weeks! ;)




The Errol Flynn version is very fun! We watched it as a family and we all enjoyed it! I think it's on Netflix on-demand (Roku, or whatever it's called). :)

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Have you seen the new BBC Robin Hood series? Fantastic!! Designed for family hour on the BBC too, so there is absolutely zero that is offensive, I mean, not even a swear word. Very high quality acting and production as well, being that it is BBC. Our library carries them (although we bought them after watching it as we fell in love with the series). Seriously, its worth checking out - everyone I have recommended it to loves it!!

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Hm, my opinion of the BBC Robin Hood is *very* different. It's anachronistic and silly, Robin is a wimp (but Guy of Gisborne is lovely to watch), some of the acting (not Guy,lol) is very weak... It's cute at times, if you can get past the writing and the contemporary attitudes (and occasionally the clothing and technology), but...

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