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wierd shopping habits

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As I made my grocery list tonight I was thinking about this one weird habit I have when buying produce. I always buy fruit in quantities of 6. There is 5 of us so really buying 6 apples, or 6 pears is stupid. But I always do. I do buy many kinds so in the end we have enough for the week usually. I don't knwo why I do that, I can't help myself either apparently. Sometimes I will actually write down a different quantity on the grocery list but still come home with 6 of each, even if I wrote down 7 or 8 or 10.


I can't be the only one with weird shopping habits, so what is something you do everytime you go shopping?

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As I made my grocery list tonight I was thinking about this one weird habit I have when buying produce. I always buy fruit in quantities of 6. There is 5 of us so really buying 6 apples, or 6 pears is stupid. But I always do. I do buy many kinds so in the end we have enough for the week usually. I don't knwo why I do that, I can't help myself either apparently. Sometimes I will actually write down a different quantity on the grocery list but still come home with 6 of each, even if I wrote down 7 or 8 or 10.


I can't be the only one with weird shopping habits, so what is something you do everytime you go shopping?


Apparently buy pasta and mac & cheese. I think I have enough now (for about a year). I always buy an extra of avacados because sometimes you just get a yucky one even though it looked perfect fine when you picked it out. Maybe that's why you do it with all the produce?

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Not so much a shopping habit but when I check out everything goes in a certain order. Cold items, canned items, boxed items, produce etc. I kind of like when there is not a bagger at the register then I can do it myself and make sure everything gets put in the proper group for if a bagger does it I have to change it when I get to my car. Weird huh? I guess it's part of my OCD. Oh, and I tend to purchase many items in pairs, for example I cna't buy 1 bag of chips or cookies or 1box of cereal it has to be 2. Not the same kind but it has got to be 2. Lordy, someone help me:001_huh: do I need counseling?

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Not so much a shopping habit but when I check out everything goes in a certain order. Cold items, canned items, boxed items, produce etc. I kind of like when there is not a bagger at the register then I can do it myself and make sure everything gets put in the proper group for if a bagger does it I have to change it when I get to my car. Weird huh? I guess it's part of my OCD. Oh, and I tend to purchase many items in pairs, for example I cna't buy 1 bag of chips or cookies or 1box of cereal it has to be 2. Not the same kind but it has got to be 2. Lordy, someone help me:001_huh: do I need counseling?

Yes! Yes! I do that, too! Especially the belt order. And it always bugs me when there's a checker who's chatting around and missing stuff so I end up with cheese in a bag with pantry items. (Though I always thought it was because I shopped 50 miles away, so a. I needed to put the cold things in the cooler in the car and b. I was so tired when I got home, I would put away the perishables, but often leave the shelf items for later)


Of course, I do the same thing hanging out laundry and there's really no reason for that. :tongue_smilie:

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Yes! Yes! I do that, too! Especially the belt order. And it always bugs me when there's a checker who's chatting around and missing stuff so I end up with cheese in a bag with pantry items. (Though I always thought it was because I shopped 50 miles away, so a. I needed to put the cold things in the cooler in the car and b. I was so tired when I got home, I would put away the perishables, but often leave the shelf items for later)


Of course, I do the same thing hanging out laundry and there's really no reason for that. :tongue_smilie:


Same here, but only 45 minutes away.

I had a bagger once that put everything in the bags the way I wanted, without me telling her. She handled the produce gently, and worked steadily & efficiently. I made sure I stopped at the managers office on the way out to compliment her work. They may have thought they were taking a chance by hiring a person with Downs and I wanted them to know how good she was.


BTW, on hanging laundry...it needs to be sorted at some point and I find it's easiest to sort while I hang.

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Not so much a shopping habit but when I check out everything goes in a certain order. Cold items, canned items, boxed items, produce etc. I kind of like when there is not a bagger at the register then I can do it myself and make sure everything gets put in the proper group for if a bagger does it I have to change it when I get to my car. Weird huh? I guess it's part of my OCD. Oh, and I tend to purchase many items in pairs, for example I cna't buy 1 bag of chips or cookies or 1box of cereal it has to be 2. Not the same kind but it has got to be 2. Lordy, someone help me:001_huh: do I need counseling?


I also unload and place my groceries on the belt in a certain order! I thought I must be weird, but since I'm not alone it must not be strange. :)

At my Kroger sometimes an employee comes over to unload my cart. The first time I thought it was nice... until I saw the order my items were being placed on the belt. Now I politely decline the offer. I've had a few who didn't want to accept my, "no thank you," but uhh... don't mess with my groceries please.

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We are a family of 5, and I can't buy more than 3 individual produce items, like apples and oranges, at a time. I hate food rotting in my refrigerator. Our favorites will change week from week, so I might visit the store a few times in one week to buy more of that food. But I still only buy 3 at a time. Bags of produce like spinach leaves, beets, grapes, strawberries, and tangerines don't bother me.


I always put the food on the conveyor belt first, and then put household goods at the end to be rung up last. I log every purchase and have different tracking sheets for food and household. Having them separated makes finding them easier, rather than reading every item on the receipt and figuring out if it's a food or household item.

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I do the conveyor belt order thing as well and I'm training my kids to do it, too! :tongue_smilie: I also by produce in even numbers. I always grab two boxes of thin spaghetti (but I only make spaghetti once a week???) and several jars of sauce. For some reason I also have quite the stash of organic...pickles. Huh?

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