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daughter getting tetanus shot today anything I can give her..

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Is there anything I can give her that might ease the pain a little? Would Ibuprofen maybe an hour before help?


This is not going to be fun at all. She HATES shots, and this is a tough one.




My son recently got a tetanus shot and he didn't have any trouble with it. He didn't need anything. It wasn't any different than any other shot.


Maybe she will do just fine. I hope so. Good luck

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Other than the TERROR of the shot itself (really not that bad) the reaction most people get is a few hours later when the arm becomes SORE!


If you ask her to keep moving her arm it will help--if she takes a nap it will be very sore after she wakes up. Ice helps. If she complains then give her Motrin.

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I had to get a tetanus shot last month. The pain from the injection is very little - a good nurse can actually distract her so it's over before she realizes it. The arm is going to be sore later, similar to the feeling of the aftermath of a punch - the next morning for me. Keep her busy with activitities and she won't dwell on it - mountain biking for the day was good for me!

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When my DD got her first shot (at like 6mo. old I think), her arm swelled up and she cried a LOT...she was obviously miserable. Since then I make sure to give her a motrin before we head to the pediatrician's office, and she hasn't ever had such a reaction again.

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Why give kids a tetanus shot if they aren't hurt?


I've always known people give their kids tetanus shots preemptively. I never have. Is there a reason why it's better to give the shot before they need them? Also, it seems like an awfully painful shot to give someone when the disease itself can't kill you anymore. I can see getting a tetanus shot if a kid gets a deep wound -- why take a chance.


Can anyone clear this up for me?

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There are actually patches that you apply... either 25 minutes... or 45 minutes before... can't remember. I purchased them once for my daughter.....

Just curious... are you doing only a tetanus? Of...DPT??

Anyway.... that's what I did... you pick up the prescription... (of course, perhaps your dr has samples??) and then apply before the appt... The needle goes straight through the patch.


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Many people get them premptively in case they are injured in a situation where it is difficult to get medical treatment. After Hurricane Katrina, for example, the New Orleans medical system was a nightmare for quite a while (and still hasn't recovered completely). Also, it can simply be easier to get it when you are at the doc anyway, and know you're covered for 10 years, than to injure yourself and wonder if you need to make an appt. and go get one.


fwiw, I just had one a month ago, and had zero soreness of any kind. and I'm pretty wimpy :D

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Kids are so different! LOL My 10 year old son has been taking shots like a champion since he was about 6. He just told me he wasn't going to cry and he didn't! Now, he gets a shot and acts like it is nothing. Thank God! It is hard to see your child struggle so much! :(


You may just give her a dose of motrin right after the shot - we used to do that when my kids were babies and had to have shots. It seemed to help.

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