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If I Had the Money Right Now, I'd....

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I would buy everything Oak Meadow has from this grade through high school, then I'd add an extension onto the house to make a big learning centre with space to sprawl and let robotics and art have all the space it needs, plus more than a couple of comfy places to cuddle or curl up, and plenty of bookshelves.

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Pay off the house.


Build a mother-in-law house in back yard. It would be able to convert to a dark room so Dude could do photography there.


Would also remodel existing tree house and turn it into the Dude's office.


Not have to work 3+ jobs. Be able to spend more time just caring for my Mama.


Hire someone to help clean my home each fall, so I had more time to can, garden, and paint.


Have a separate studio outside my home where I could teach quilting, nature study, and art to homeschooling students and mamas.


Buy an RV and travel with the Dude and kids before they went to college.


Buy a grand piano for Piano Girl.

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