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Yet another gift thread -- marble runs....

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Could any of you out there tell me about marble run sets? My Little Ladybug Girl has eyed these for about a year -- she's turning 4 late December, and I'm thinking a marble run would be a fun gift. She received something kind of like it for her 2nd birthday, and she still loves it...she appears to be a builder/engineer-type girl (funny how these preferences show up so early!)


I've seen the Quercetti plastic ones (from pretty reasonable to elaborate and expensive) and the HABA and other wooden ones that integrate with blocks (which we already have -- this might be cool).


Would you recommend the fast plastic kind or the wooden kind? I'm normally a wooden toy kind of Mommy, but the Quercetti ones (made in Italy) are pretty cool....


Any other recommendations?

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We had one of the plastic ones that my older dc played with for years and handed down. We just gave it to younger cousins. I can't comment on the wooden one, but we couldn't wear out the plastic one. I think we had more than one set that they could connect and turn into really elaborate runs.

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We have the set that is like building blocks from Magic Cabin (or Hearthsong?). Our daughter got it for her 4th birthday and both she and her two year old sister play with it regularly.


The quadrilla one is also very neat but a different style of building.

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We have the set that is like building blocks from Magic Cabin (or Hearthsong?). Our daughter got it for her 4th birthday and both she and her two year old sister play with it regularly.


The quadrilla one is also very neat but a different style of building.


The Magic Cabin/Hearthsong (same company, I think) building block set is the one I'm leaning towards.

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We have those Q- ones. I bought one, and they loved it so much, I bought a different Q-set to add on. I found a used set at our consignment sale for $5--so we now have THREE sets--they can build some awesome things!


At 4, she'll need help to set it up, but will LOVE running the marbles through. My boys are nearly-7 and 5 and can make their own now.


It's one of those toys that they'll play obsessively with for a week, then not touch it for a month or two, so don't let that discourage you; it's still a great toy!


I bought a wooden one and they did NOT like it; much harder to set up and keep together.


Rainbow Resource has the best prices on the Q- sets, I think--



Could any of you out there tell me about marble run sets? My Little Ladybug Girl has eyed these for about a year -- she's turning 4 late December, and I'm thinking a marble run would be a fun gift. She received something kind of like it for her 2nd birthday, and she still loves it...she appears to be a builder/engineer-type girl (funny how these preferences show up so early!)


I've seen the Quercetti plastic ones (from pretty reasonable to elaborate and expensive) and the HABA and other wooden ones that integrate with blocks (which we already have -- this might be cool).


Would you recommend the fast plastic kind or the wooden kind? I'm normally a wooden toy kind of Mommy, but the Quercetti ones (made in Italy) are pretty cool....


Any other recommendations?

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