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I do not spank tweens or teens

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That's funny!! In 8th grade I was in band. The band hall was on the entire opposite side of the building from my English class and I could NOT make it in the 5 minutes we had between classes. Needless to say, I had a lot of tardies that year. Well, after 3 tardies you would either get 2 days of detention at 2 hours per day or swats with a paddle. I wound up having that choice three times that year and I picked swats every time!! Who wouldn't want a little pain that lasted 3 seconds over having to waste 4 hours of your life after school. ;) If I was your dc, I'd pick the spanking. If I was you, I'd take away the computer!!

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Gotta Love Texas and the Texas sized paddles.... When I was in school, I had my school office look for the "do not paddle" paper... I had to go about 3 times before they "found" it. I was NOT going to be paddled.... But, I was sick, because they were endlessly painting... and I'm allergic to the fumes and such. Anyway, nurses office was outside the principal's office. I was SO tired of hearing "pow pow pow" or whatever sound the paddle makes... I was also glad I wasn't on the receiving end. I'd rather 2 hrs of daydreaming than even one swat!


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Never spank. Especially if they prefer a spanking. Duh! ;)


Seriously, several new studies have surfaced in the past few weeks and it doesn't look good for spanking. We're talking long term emotional issues, lower IQ, do I need to go on?


I never laid a hand on dd who is 27. Ds (10) has taken me to the wall and back and has gotten smacked at least 10 times in his life. I wonder how many IQ points he's lost.:tongue_smilie:

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times don't change as much as we imagine.


in my family, mom gave whippings. yep, used a belt, dog leash, or a switch. nowadays it would probably be considered abuse but i didn't think so and, though i chose not to use those methods, i still don't consider it abuse. that being said, in my tweens my mom took away my TV privileges for a week for something i did wrong. i was aghast! i begged for a whipping - anything but taking away the TV. i never did get whipped again - Mom had discovered a much more devastating punishment!!!

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