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Favorite Cookie Recipes?

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I'm sure this has been done many times, but I was hoping some of you could post a good cookie recipe or two. I'm great with chocolate chip cookies, but I'm getting tired of the same old thing. It's getting close to that time of year when I'll be itching to do some baking. I want something different, but not too complicated. :)


No food allergies here, so anything would be appreciated. If no one feels like posting anything, I guess I'll search previous threads. :)



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Easy Peanut Butter Kisses


2 c. peanut butter

1 1/4 c. sugar

2 eggs

48 chocolate kisses


Mix together pb, sugar & eggs. Form into small balls of dough. Bake at 350 degree F for 14 - 16 minutes until tops look dry & crackled.


Remove from oven & immediately top w/ an unwrapped kiss.


If you don't want to use kisses, you can criss-cross the cookie w/fork tines before baking.


There is NO flour in this recipe! It is not a typo.

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For the best chocolate chip cookies, buy one of those big 10 lb bars of chocolate from Trader Joes. Chip off chunks with an ice pick. Sweep them into a Weight Watchers' scale, including the little tiny pieces. Keep doing this until you have about twice as many ounces as the recipe on the bag of chocolate chips calls for. Use them all. Make the bars, not the cookies, as they will hold together better.


For the best sugar cookies ever, do not dust your rolling pin and board with flour. It makes the dough tougher. Intead, use powdered sugar. It works just as well as a release layer, and you can use the dough over and over--it just gets sweeter, which is not a bad thing!

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I like these. In fact, I've not made a single recipe from there that was anything short of delicious.




This is exactly the recipe that I tried, LOL. I keep looking at it, wondering if I did something wrong, because none of us liked them. All I could taste was the powdered sugar. Did I read it wrong? Was I supposed to use regular sugar as well?

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Russian Tea Cakes aka Snowballs


1 Cup softened butter (2 sticks)

1/2 Cup sifted Confectioners sugar

1 tsp vanilla


Sift together and stir in

2 1/4 Cups sifted flour

1/4 tsp salt


Mix in

3/4 Cup chopped walnuts


Chill dough (couple of hours or overnight)

Roll into 1 inch balls


Place on ungreased cookie sheet.

Bake until set, but not brown. (400 degrees approximately 10-12 minutes)

Cookies do NOT spread.



While still warm, roll in Confectioners sugar. Cool. Roll again.

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