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Introducing Myself and a Book Recommendation

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Hi everyone! I am new to the forums, and wanted to say hello. I am homeschooling my twin girls this year for 5K. We did preschool at home last year as well, but this is our first "official" school year. I just purchased my own copy of WTM, and read it for the second time. Although I am using Sonlight Core K and I think they have great materials, I don't like the instructor guide. I like to do my own thing, and really wanted to focus on the three Rs this year. ;) Hence I decided to join you here. I've really enjoyed reading all the posts.


Also, I was wondering if someone could make some recommendations for a good general book about homeschooling (methods, pro and cons, etc. - just a general overview). One of my closest friends who lives out of state is considering homeschooling her son, and is going to use this year to research and make a decision. I thought I would give her a book for her birthday to help in her quest, but I think the WTM would be a bit much to bite off for an intro!! Any recommendations?


Looking forward to getting more involved here.



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This book has a nifty questionnaire that can help a newbie figure out what they want their homeschool to be like, and then offers curriculum suggestions that support that model. It's not comprehensive of all curriculum, but I think it's a good starting off point for the parents in determining method and then finding materials to help them reach their goals.

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I'm a little surprised you think TWTM is too much. It was/is the first/only hsing book I've read and I lend it out all the time to people who are interested.


I do think it's a great book and I will recommend it to her. And will probably let her borrow mine if/as she becomes more interested in HSing. If I can part with mine for awhile! I just was looking for a more "general" homeschooling book that discusses the different approaches, etc. Since my friend is just in the preliminary stages of considering this, I wanted something "lighter" and that was broader based.


Thanks everybody for all the recommendations! I am going to check them all out, and order her something for her birthday. I hope she likes it!



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I do think it's a great book and I will recommend it to her. And will probably let her borrow mine if/as she becomes more interested in HSing. If I can part with mine for awhile! I just was looking for a more "general" homeschooling book that discusses the different approaches, etc. Since my friend is just in the preliminary stages of considering this, I wanted something "lighter" and that was broader based.


Thanks everybody for all the recommendations! I am going to check them all out, and order her something for her birthday. I hope she likes it!



Shanna, I've been having one of those days where I say/write one thing and it comes across like I'm being mean/rude/condescending. I hope this isn't the case. I only meant to convey that TWTM was the only book I read and it was plenty, I mean, hey look I'm homeschooling! :p


Sorry if I came across rude...... for some reason my head's just not working well today.

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Shanna, I've been having one of those days where I say/write one thing and it comes across like I'm being mean/rude/condescending. I hope this isn't the case. I only meant to convey that TWTM was the only book I read and it was plenty, I mean, hey look I'm homeschooling! :p


Sorry if I came across rude...... for some reason my head's just not working well today.


No problem. I completely understand that what you write sometimes doesn't come across exactly like you intend. Truthfully, I didn't think much of it - just happy to have so many good recommendations. No harm done. :001_smile:

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