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Dd and Adderall...

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It has been a week since she started. A few nights now have been horrible for her. Last night she was up at 3am bouncing, flipping, talking in our bed! She then went into her older sister's room to play. :glare: I'm gong to give this until Friday..and if it doesn't get better I will have to call the dr. She had sleeping problems before but now it seems worse.

On a good note, she is concentrating better with her phonics, math, and her handwriting is beautiful. Yesterday she sat all day and did her computer...art, listening/reading without any bouncing around! I never even told her to do it. :)

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Is Adderall an extended release formula? If so, I would call the doctor and ask about a shorter acting med---we like Dexedrine but reg. Ritalin is used a lot as well. I don't know if I would wait until Friday.


Could be that her dose is too high as well.


Melatonin can help with sleep issues as well but better to tweak the med rather than add something else if you can do that.

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It has been a week since she started. A few nights now have been horrible for her. Last night she was up at 3am bouncing, flipping, talking in our bed! She then went into her older sister's room to play. :glare: I'm gong to give this until Friday..and if it doesn't get better I will have to call the dr. She had sleeping problems before but now it seems worse.

On a good note, she is concentrating better with her phonics, math, and her handwriting is beautiful. Yesterday she sat all day and did her computer...art, listening/reading without any bouncing around! I never even told her to do it. :)



I ditto Ottakeee. Our 10yod d started aderall about 6 weeks ago. First at 10 mg, she was an angel for 6 days then previous symptoms surfaced. She's now on 15 mg. It is timed release, once a day. About 6 months my dh and I started her on melatonin at the neurolg approval. Good thing because adderall can wire people. So, the melatonin helps.


As O said, try a lower dose, or something, but talk to your dr about it now. My dd's psychiatrist said that Adderall has an IMMEDIATE effect. Even within an hour there are visible changes, so you may want to go back and revise the plan. HTH.

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My son is on Adderall but it's short acting. He takes it at 8 in the morning and the effects are gone completely by 2 in the afternoon. He weighs 105 pounds and takes 10 mg, though I know different people need different dosing regardless of weight.

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I am a large grown-up lady, so I don't know how pertinent this is BUT I'm going to tell you anyway! I have AD(not-so-much H)D, and I take dexedrine spansules, which work wonders for me with absolutely zero side effects. At one point, my doc decided that I should try a short acting drug and instead of putting me on short acting dex he switched me to adderall, which shares a very, very similar chemical composition. Let me tell you, I thought I was dying. My heart was jumping right out of my chest and I was, shall we say, not very pleasant to be around. Just that minor difference made the difference between highly therapeutic and heart-palpitation having she-devil. Not to mention the adderall is waaay more expensive. All I'm saying is there are so many treatment options these days. If something isn't working or is causing unpleasant side effects, I would try something else.

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My dd was on Adderall for a long time but she is now on Vyvanse and doing much better. YOu might want to ask about that since it has a different way of delivering the medicine.


twins (almost 9) have been on vyvanse for almost two years. DS started on Focalin and the immediate result was amazing - that lasted for about 6 months and suddenly one day it didn't work anymore. I understand that is not uncommon. We switched him to vyvanse which he is still taking.


DD started on focalin, it was an immediate disaster and we switched her to vyvanse. Again, the immediate result was amazing. she is still taking vyvanse. A month ago, we increased the dosage for both of them (as the original dosage didn't seem particularly effective) for about a week, and then put them back down to their original dosages (30mg I think) and they remain on the lower dosage now with excellent results. I give it to them first thing in the morning -- it takes about 40 minutes to work -- I can see the positive effect until about 6pm or so.


They do take melatonin every night or they would not be able to settle down and get to sleep.


The child psychiatrist who was the prescribing md told us that he has had good success with bumping down dosages as opposed to increasing them. HTH

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