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If your family has had H1N1...

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can you tell me what the first symptoms were?


DS2 took a pretty long nap today which I chalked up to a busy weekend. He came downstairs happy and played normally. He was a little cranky, but he sometimes wakes up after naps that way. While he was sitting on me, he felt a bit warm, so I took his temp rectally and it was 101.5. I gave him child Tylenol, fed him dinner, and now he seems perfectly fine (this was all about 2 hours ago). He's jumping off the couch, running around like crazy, and wrestling with his brother.


I'm thinking if it were swine flu he'd be knocked out cold? I'd love to hear others' experiences with it. Thanks!

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Well, I think my daughter has it now. What makes me wonder is that it didn't come on suddenly like regular flu. Started on Friday as some coughing, by Sunday she was sick to her stomach and had a fever and was coughing a lot and has a runny nose and sneezing. She is in bed now. Says to wake her up tomorrow morning...


Because of the fever (which wasn't a high, sudden, spiking fever like the regular flu) I know the stomach problems aren't food related. I think I had it (same symptons) this last spring and pretty sure my older son had it in August. The fever kind of came and went for us, where with regular flu we feel like we were hit by a truck, it gets worse and then gets better gradually. This seems to kind of come and go. And involves your stomach.


Maybe not - maybe it is some other weird virus going around...:glare:

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I think I had it in early September. I think that dd and possibly ds also had it. I am guessing that we all had it because my symptoms seemed to match what everyone else was talking about. I had a sudden onset of sinus issues with sneezing and runny nose, headache, and had some chilling (like with a fever) a couple of times, though my "fever" was only about 99.1 or so. That was unusual. I was pretty fatigued for a few days, but that was about it. Not bad really.


My dd (16) was also hit with some sneezing and runny nose at the exact same time that I was, though she didn't really have any chilling, maybe some extra weariness, but overall, just cold-like symptoms. The onset was also very rapid, but not as intense as mine. ETA She also had a sore throat, but it wasn't too bad.


My ds (2) also started with a runny nose at the same time. I think he had a few extra long naps, but I otherwise he was fine. I can't say for sure that he had it, but it did occur the same time that dd and I got sick. The three of us had gone to the dentist a few days before. That was the only place that just the three of us had gone. My dh and our exchange student were not sick and did not get sick either. So... IF ds had H1N1, which I am hoping he did, then it was so light that I wouldn't even have thought anything about it, if I hadn't been sick at the same time. I wouldn't even have noted the longer naps, because sometimes they go through a growth spurt and sleep a little more anyway. But, I do think the timeing was significant. All three of us started in with the sinus stuff on a Friday evening. I thought it odd enough to note. The onset didn't build, it just hit.

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Well, I am not sure my kids had H1N1 last week because I didn't take them in for testing. But as far as I know, it's the only thing with similar symptoms going around my area.


Both kids complained of a sore throat one afternoon. By the evening, child A had 100 or thereabouts fever and was throwing up. Child B had no noticeable fever until the next day and never threw up, but complained of the impending feeling of needing to. Child A continued on the same course most of the next day, 101.4 fever; Child B had a slightly lower fever and chills. By day 3 they were both runny nosed and coughing, no more fever, appetites returning. Child A still has a cough, runny nose, and congestion. Child B is fine.


Dh and I haven't gotten sick so far. Does this mean we're in the "older people with some kind of immunity" category? :tongue_smilie:

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We've all had something the past week and a half that sounds a lot like what's being described here in this thread, but I'd never peg it as a flu. I have not been thinking this is H1N1. I'm curious why people think these symptoms are the swine flu??


We've all had sore throat, then various degrees of snot - I haven't had much at all, but a bit, and felt tight in the chest for a couple of days, dh had a lot of nasal stuff, my dd who likes to try to get pneumonia every Sept. is at it - congestion, cough, asthma - and is on 5+ kind of drugs to prevent it - other dd is just very phlegmy and getting a nasty sounding cough - third dd seems to be over it. No fevers, or none high enough or lasting long enough for me to bother to get the thermometer out - I did get the chills once one night, but I'm not sure that was a fever or just cold. All have been feeling draggy and "off". Couple of kids complained of stomach pain, but no throwing up and it passed. A few of us had sporadic headaches. I actually thought we might have strep, but throat cultures were negative.


The only thing that's a bit unusual is that it's lasted so long and a couple times I've felt better for a day and then worse again. It's been a week and a half. And everyone got sick together - usually there's a hold-out.


But it still seems like we just have a nasty, annoying cold. I don't think it's the flu??

Edited by matroyshka
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I don't know for sure that it was h1n1, but ds had a low-grade temp for four days. On the third and fourth days, he grew more lethargic, but still playing, and his appetite decreased. On the fifth day, his fever spiked and was pretty high for 36-48 hours. We did give tylenol two or three times, so he could rest easier (we generally don't medicate fevers). He had a headache starting on the third or fourth day that lasted until about 18 hours after the fever abated.


I expected some other symptoms but when we called the dr they said "probably h1n1" and to just keep him hydrated, home, and rested.

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My friend is a family practice doc and says she sees a case of swine flu daily. She said that it generally has been much milder that the seasonal flu we get in the winter. I know there are those in critical condition, but for most it will not be very serious, albeit very uncomfortable.

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We've had the same symptoms - starting with sore throat and developing into congestion and low fevers. There is no way I would believe this is anything but a cold. There is swine flu around here, but most people are having high fevers and sudden, severe symptoms.

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Same here as many others. I *think* we had it...can't be sure. It was about 3 weeks ago. The symptoms in my first one to become sick came on over the course of 1 day - started with a sneeze in the morning (a big one with lots of snot so not a normal sneeze) to running a 100.5 fever, total congestion, sore throat and lethargy by evening.


The problem with H1N1 is that the symptoms vary widely for different people. My dh works with a man whose daughter had confirmed type A flu (suspected H1N1) and her symptoms were like "allergies with a low fever" - which, as you know, is totally bizarre for the flu. I know another man who had it and was hospitalized. He got really sick, really fast. So...seems to be different for everyone. If H1N1 is, in fact, what we had, we definitely had a milder version.


ETA: When my older son was 4, he had the Fujan strain of flu (2003) along with a type B flu as well. I have never seen a child so sick in my life. His fever was 104.9 at its highest and it didn't come down much with motrin and tylenol every 3 hours. He had to have a shot of phenegrin to stop vomiting. He was so lethargic that he didn't move and hardly spoke for 5 days. THAT was the FLU. This is NOTHING like that. IF what we had was swine flu, then wow.

Edited by Tree House Academy
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We've had the same symptoms - starting with sore throat and developing into congestion and low fevers. There is no way I would believe this is anything but a cold. There is swine flu around here, but most people are having high fevers and sudden, severe symptoms.


That is exactly what we had. Some of the kids here in the ps who have it are starting with 103.5 fevers. However, I called the dr and he said that other kids have it confirmed and never have a fever at all. How weird is that???


My kids' fevers never got over 101.5 (but they were MISERABLE with even the low fevers which is unusual). My dr always told me that it isn't the number, but the way they feel with the fever that matters. Anyway, dh and I never got fevers at all. What is odd - and makes me think it wasn't just a cold is that 1. my older son never runs a fever with just a cold and 2. my dh who has asthma has had lasting effects from this one - he is still coughing and he said his lungs still don't feel "right" - 3 weeks later.

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We all had it, confirmed by ped as both kids are heart patients.


1st me, headache, sore throat, tired, sinus yuck.


3 days later was DH, high fever, sore throat, tired.


4 days later both kids. 1 with high fever, the other no fever, I have to assume both had sore throat as they didn't want to eat. One was exhausted, as the other bounced around like nothing was wrong. Then the sinus crud started...... UGH.


Mine held on for 17 days, DH was well in 48 hours ( the jerk LOL ), the kids were sick for 13-14 days. My severely asthmatic son still has a cough 7 weeks later. We just can't get him over it.

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From the CDC

The symptoms of 2009 H1N1 flu virus in people include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea. People may be infected with the flu, including 2009 H1N1 and have respiratory symptoms without a fever. Severe illnesses and death has occurred as a result of illness associated with this virus.

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We just got the sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, nausea, low grade fever, so tired can barely wake up. I was thinking it was a cold, but now I'm wondering... what do you think? How would we find out for sure, or is that even neccessary?



I would not go in for testing, if you didn't have it you will mostlikely get it in the ER or doctors office !!!!


I wouldn't go in except by ambulance if necessary. But we have widespread cases in my area.


My ped is also seeing some kids back in with it again, which leads him to suspect it is mutating !!


We lived on mucinex, tylenol and tons of fluid. The asthma meds were increased and prednisone started.

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We all had it, confirmed by ped as both kids are heart patients.


1st me, headache, sore throat, tired, sinus yuck.


3 days later was DH, high fever, sore throat, tired.


4 days later both kids. 1 with high fever, the other no fever, I have to assume both had sore throat as they didn't want to eat. One was exhausted, as the other bounced around like nothing was wrong. Then the sinus crud started...... UGH.


Mine held on for 17 days, DH was well in 48 hours ( the jerk LOL ), the kids were sick for 13-14 days. My severely asthmatic son still has a cough 7 weeks later. We just can't get him over it.


Your post is exactly what I mean about the varying symptoms! WOW!


My younger was the sickest and had cough and congestion for over a week, low fever for 3 days but felt terrible with the low fever. Oldest ds was sick, literally, for 3 days - 1 with mid-range fever, 2 with sinus crud. I never got much of anything - felt out of sorts, lots of sinus junk for 3-4 days. Dh who has asthma was on the couch for two days, no fever, still has a cough - 20 days later.

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We all had it, confirmed by ped as both kids are heart patients.


1st me, headache, sore throat, tired, sinus yuck.


3 days later was DH, high fever, sore throat, tired.


4 days later both kids. 1 with high fever, the other no fever, I have to assume both had sore throat as they didn't want to eat. One was exhausted, as the other bounced around like nothing was wrong. Then the sinus crud started...... UGH.


Mine held on for 17 days, DH was well in 48 hours ( the jerk LOL ), the kids were sick for 13-14 days. My severely asthmatic son still has a cough 7 weeks later. We just can't get him over it.

This sounds just like our experience. We were never tested.
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Your post is exactly what I mean about the varying symptoms! WOW!


My younger was the sickest and had cough and congestion for over a week, low fever for 3 days but felt terrible with the low fever. Oldest ds was sick, literally, for 3 days - 1 with mid-range fever, 2 with sinus crud. I never got much of anything - felt out of sorts, lots of sinus junk for 3-4 days. Dh who has asthma was on the couch for two days, no fever, still has a cough - 20 days later.


Quince is still coughing, it is miserable.


This sounds just like our experience. We were never tested.


We were only tested because it was early in the season. Both of my kids have heart conditions and asthma. My husband is a heart patient too. This also happened before they stopped testing in my area. Now they are only testing during autopsy, to confirm. The rapid tests are still being done, but they have about a 50% false pos or neg rate LOL.

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I agree... if we didn't have it, I would be afraid of picking it up while we were there.


It is widespread here (TX)... hopefully whatever we have won't get worse.


We are in TX too, Corpus Christi area. My neighbors grand daughter is in ICU, my husbands great nephew is too. A member from my HS group has a daughter with pnuemonia from it.


My kids are in isolation........ till it slows down. The local hospitals are overwhelmed. They set up a separate area to triage patients !!!

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We are in TX too, Corpus Christi area. My neighbors grand daughter is in ICU, my husbands great nephew is too. A member from my HS group has a daughter with pnuemonia from it.


My kids are in isolation........ till it slows down. The local hospitals are overwhelmed. They set up a separate area to triage patients !!!


When it gets to this point here, all outside activity will be stopped. That is the type of situation everyone has feared! Stay well!

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That's terrible. I'll pray they get better.


I'm wondering if we have it, because then we won't have to get the vaccination against it (which I was concerned about doing).


The kids and I stay at home a lot, but my husband works... he is the one who got us sick... that is very hard to avoid with him working in a big office building with hundreds of people.


My dh works in a shop, there are about 10 guys there, and occasionally other people. He is following my rules so far. Six feet from anyone, wash hands constantly. Use santizer when he gets in the car. He has masks at work just in case. He takes it very seriously. I was the one that got us all sick last time. Probably from the grocery store.


I will not be allowing my family to have the vaccine either way. According to my ped it is mutating, and the vaccine will not be effective anyway. He is seeing the same children sick a second time around now.

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My daughter needs a note from a doctor for her college class so she went in this morning. The doctor said maybe it is and maybe it isn't (she has fever, 101 ish, sore throat, cough, runny nose, tired, achy, stomach trouble). They stopped testing people because there were so many and they were overwhelmed. They told her to stay away from children under 5 and people with imune problems and she mentioned specifically neuro problems - my daughters best friend's mom has MS.

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When it gets to this point here, all outside activity will be stopped. That is the type of situation everyone has feared! Stay well!


Exactly. I know I am over protective, for majority of people the swine flu is very mild. But my children are the majority !!!


But my town is overwhelmed at the moment for sure. There are 62 children in ICU today, up from 60 yesterday. I have 2 friends that are nurses, they say it is nuts !!! They have never ever seen anything like it. The local Children's Hospital is seeing 268 + cases daily in the ER. That isnt' counting those that go to the other hospitals, or minor emergency or their doctors !!!

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My daughter needs a note from a doctor for her college class so she went in this morning. The doctor said maybe it is and maybe it isn't (she has fever, 101 ish, sore throat, cough, runny nose, tired, achy, stomach trouble). They stopped testing people because there were so many and they were overwhelmed. They told her to stay away from children under 5 and people with imune problems and she mentioned specifically neuro problems - my daughters best friend's mom has MS.


Don't forget pregnant women !!!!!!!

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Those are good rules. :) I think my husband has sanitizer on his desk, but he is still worried. I'm not as worried b/c I have heard a lot of people didn't even know it was the swine flu (just thought it was a cold). I wonder why some people are so affected when others are not. :confused:


Well from my area, we have 2 that had no issues at all die. They can't figure them out. The other 4 had heart conditions, COPD, or severe obesity and all the problems that come with that.

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What are their symptoms? What made them go to the ER?


Thanks for the info about the vaccine. I think we will just stick to the regular flu shot.


Party it is like another poster said, you need an excuse to be out of work, school, etc. Part is from fear I think. Mostly they are at the ER just because the doctors are overwhelmed too. Out County Health Director was on tv this week begging doctors to open their offices for longer days and on weekend. To try to stop the flow of so many in the ER.

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