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Prayer for facial burn

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The 20 yr old girl who I helped raise from age 4 to 14 (She lived with us on weekends and I took her back and forth to school, was class mother, and kept her and her brother after school everyday for 10 years) was burned today with 2nd degree burns all over her face, down her right arm and right leg. She tried to light a fire with gas and the fumes ignited. She and her mother are on their way to the burn center in Augusta, Ga as I write this.

Please pray for her. I love her very much.

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I'll definitely be thinking of her.


I was burned a bit more extensively than that when I was 17 and while it was a long, hard couple of months I healed nicely with just a bit of discoloration in the 2nd degree areas (the 3rd scarred but even that looks quite good).

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How awful! I'm so sorry.


For what it's worth, I have a dear friend whose daughter was very seriously burned a couple years ago on her legs. My friend is not an all-natural granola type at all, but was desperate to help her little girl heal. On the advice of a friend, they tried colloidal silver and actually felt it helped the process more than any of the other treatments. (They did do the traditional treatments as well--pressure bandages, scar massage, etc.) It does need to be used in moderation but can really help.



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I'll definitely be thinking of her.


I was burned a bit more extensively than that when I was 17 and while it was a long, hard couple of months I healed nicely with just a bit of discoloration in the 2nd degree areas (the 3rd scarred but even that looks quite good).


Thank you, I needed to hear that. She is so beautiful but so introverted that I cannot imagine what will happened if she is terribly scarred.

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How awful! I'm so sorry.


For what it's worth, I have a dear friend whose daughter was very seriously burned a couple years ago on her legs. My friend is not an all-natural granola type at all, but was desperate to help her little girl heal. On the advice of a friend, they tried colloidal silver and actually felt it helped the process more than any of the other treatments. (They did do the traditional treatments as well--pressure bandages, scar massage, etc.) It does need to be used in moderation but can really help.




Did she take it internally or in a cream?

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Silvadine cream is a standard burn treatment and uses silver.


I used vitamin e oil on my second degree burns once there were no more open wounds. It really helped to reduce the itching and discomfort of the healing process and I believe it is one of the reasons that my scars were as minor as they were in those areas. (I was able to find it in the supplements section of our health food store).

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Praying. I got second degree burns on my face and neck just a few months ago. It does hurt. It hurts a great deal for a few weeks, but it does get better. More than anything she needs to stay completely out of the sun and keep those wounds clean. Praying for a speedy recovery. :grouphug:

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I'm pretty sure the silver is either in a liquid form (in saline solution) that you pour on the wounds, or a cream. My FiL was just treated for open wounds as a result of diabetes and they used these silver pads with silicone on them. He healed beautifully. It has antibacterial and antimicrobial factors I believe, so it protects against infection and allows the skin to do it's job healing. So long as she does exactly what the wound care/burn care folks tell her to do, she will do okay. You might even look in to hyperbaric treatment as that is supposed to help oxygenate the skin. We found this at a Wound Treatment Center locally. If Austin has a fairly state-of-the-art facility, I would assume Augusta does.



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Please do not let this girl ingest colloidal silver. There have been health warnings about this long enough, but apparently they still haven't reached enough people.




http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22536241/ This guy lives near where I lived last year.

Edited by Sputterduck
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Brooke had surgery late last night. They did skin grafts with pig skin. They had to put it on her face, right arm and right leg. The Drs seem very positive about this. I am going to look into it more. My heart is breaking for her. She is 20 yrs old and was suppose to start her Sophmore year in college today. Her Mom is very tired right now too. Thank you for praying for this "substitute daughter" of mine. That is what we have always called her because her Mom and I were pregnant together with my 1st child who was stillborn at 37 weeks. Brooke's mom was 5 months pregnant with her and was with me when they told me my daughter died. Her mom has always shared her with me.

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Here is a note from my friend about colloidal silver:


You have to be extremely careful about the TYPE of colloidal silver you get. There is only ONE type that we would recommend (because it’s made with pure oxygen & water; and also has the right amount of silver “parts†(some are too high in silver). It’s called Nature’s Silver Colloidal Silver (homeopathic formula, oxygen rich, 4 fluid ounces) by Silver Solutions. You can get it from places like America’s Nutrition (americasnutrition.com) for about 10.99 a bottle for 4 fluid ounces). We have a squirt bottle topper and basically misted her skin with it several times a day and let it dry. (It’s better not to rub burned skin, but to mist it). We started using this when dd was allergic to every kind of burn cream (they had sulpha in them) and broke out on rashes on top of her burns. We credit this powerful stuff with growing skin where they said no skin would be.


There is a caution about colloidal silver. (It was used to heal burns way back in WW2, then went out of fashion because the drug companies pushed sulfa drugs. A couple people have turned “silver†permanently, but they were ingesting huge amounts of the stuff, which is not recommended.) You can take a tablespoon a day to speed healing along eternally; we did that sparingly for a couple months, then stopped and just used it externally.

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