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IEW TWSS syllabus: what is included?


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waiting for my ds to finish his math test!


I've used parts of IEW Ancients, Medieval, and U.S v1. We tried to do Ancients/Medieval last year with SL6 but we couldn't get them both done in one year! I did IEW U.S. Hx v1 with older ds and doing it again with younger ds now. I have IEW U.S. HBWL v2 but haven't used it. I LIKE them all!





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wow, you're fast! :001_smile:


I have my eye on those as well. Which one do you use? Can I hope that it's Middle Ages, and you have great stuff to say about it?

We just finished Ancient HBWL and it was great. My ds loves to write but this program actually made him stop and think about what he was writing. At first he was annoyed by all of the instructions and requirements but he is starting to see the benefit in them. I love the structure more than anything.

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So you can use the history-based writing programs without first using TWSS? We've never used anything IEW before, and I am considering it for my almost 9-year-old son.

TWSS is suppose to be for you as the teacher to learn how to teach your kids. Some parents say they would not have been able to teach without it. I however went through the syllabus, looked over the themed based lessons, and asked questions at the yahoo group before starting and as I went along. I haven't missed the DVDs at all!!! I recently tried to watch the 8th-12th grade disk and fell asleep instantly!!!:lol:

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I know these are meant to go along with the dvds, but I really don't like AP's voice, ;).


Is the syllabus helplful on its own, even if incomplete? Is there a table of contents anwhere?




The syllabus is really no help on its own, unless you can borrow the set of DVDs to watch. There is no real instruction, just models, lists, checklists, etc. to go with the instruction.


The HBL are designed to be used by an instructor who has done the TWSS. From the IEW site: "The Theme-Based Lessons are not intended for use as a curriculum replacement, but rather are an excellent tool for broadening subject knowledge while teaching writing. With these lessons, it is assumed that you have watched the Teaching Writing: Structure and Style DVD's. Without this resource, you will be lacking the insight to teach any of our programs well."


I have been using IEW for years with my own dc and in classes, and I have used two HBL and taught two of the SWIs to groups. I don't care for the HBL as much as the other IEW products. Many of them have other authors, and they stray from the core IEW teaching. I am teaching Bbible-Based Writing to a group right now, and I really don't like it. If you really, really can't do the TWSS, your next best bet is the SWI. Watch it with your dc, and you will pick up most of the program.


If Mr. Pudewa's voice makes you crazy, try this: I play the DVDs on my laptop and speed it up 1 1/2 times. You can still understand every word, and you lose the "slowness" of his speech. I think it is worth watching just for his sense of humour, but that's just me. :)

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If Mr. Pudewa's voice makes you crazy, try this: I play the DVDs on my laptop and speed it up 1 1/2 times. You can still understand every word, and you lose the "slowness" of his speech. I think it is worth watching just for his sense of humour, but that's just me. :)


Great idea. I like his voice, but find myself thinking, 'Yes, ok! I get it! Move on!!!' I'm going to go & try it out right now.

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