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WordlyWise..I hate it!! (so does DS)


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We are struggling through Wordly Wise 3000 here..book 2.. While the vocab words, the question and answer are all fine.. the reading comprehension piece is just a constant source of frustration and stress..


DS (age 8..grade 3) is doing well with reading.. and he can tell you about the passage. We often discuss what it was about, he asks interesting questions.. but when he has to answer those reading comprehension questions.. he just tanks..I'm not sure what is the problem.. he understands the piece.. but can't seem to take the bits and pieces and apply them to more abstract questions..


We also use Spectrum Reading which is a reading grade 3 comprehension book, Non Fiction Reading Comprehension grade 3 and Spectrum Language Arts grade 3.. in addition to explode the code,WWE and First Lang Lessons book 3..


I am wondering the merits of Wordly Wise..Since it seems to frustrating for him and I feel like I am the one who ultimately answers questions...


I guess I'm looking for "permission" to can this book :lol:

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Why do you have so many language arts resources to begin with? I'd find it too much, myself. Aren't they covering the same skills?

As for WW, if it is providing something he needs that isn't being covered, then he should keep on with it until he gets more skilled. If he can't do that level, perhaps backing up a level would help him gain the skills he needs.


We ditched WW A in second grade, because it was just busy work at that point. But, we did do a pretty intense phonics book, Adventures in Phonics, which was hard for my dd. It stretched her. It's ok if your son is experiencing some frustration, because that's what builds skills--it's ok for him to really have to think and work hard. If, however, he is getting that already, then I'd ditch it.

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We got frustrated because the kids would answer the comprehension question, I wuld check it and it wouldn't be the answer in the answer book. I'd grade it incorect, they'd come back and argue, and usually prove they had a point. But I like the rest of it - so I now buy the old versions (ie not the 3000 series) and there are no comprehnsion questions!! I have to scour the web to find them, but I have managed so far!


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My ds despised WW, yet I continued purchasing it each year thinking...for some ridiculous unfathomable reason...that it was the best vocab because it's what most homeschoolers use? :confused: Ha! We have since ditched it and switched to Vocabu-Lit and my ds is much, much, MUCH happier. This is our second year of Vocabu-Lit and I've yet to hear a single complaint.


Vocabu-Lit is much more straightforward than ww, and not as time consuming. A simple, yet effective, add-on to our LA program which also consists of lots [and LOTS] of Reading. Plus Spelling, Latin, Grammar, and Writing. :-)


WW was a complete vocabulary kill-joy. :tongue_smilie:

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let things get too work bookie/textbookie. There is a lot of vocabulary that can be learned from older books. Books by authors like Horatio Alger, Oliver Optic, books from Lamp Lighter Publishers and some of the others. They may seem a bit far into your child at first, but once he get used to the language, the kids pick it up. A title I might suggest is by Horatio Alger titled The Young Outlaw with the sequel called Sam's Chance. It is not hard reading at all. These books are very inexpensive used on Amazon and rare/old book seller sites.


I was taken aback one day when my older son was telling me a story about something that happened to him, and he said, "and I retorted..." The books are full of intelligent vocabulary and model writing as well. an added bonus is that good always wins over evil and needs books as opposed to many current publications.

Well, that's my two cents for what it's worth!

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Does one need to buy both the hardcover student book as well as the student textbook softcover for Vocabu Lit? Where do you get yours? Rainbow Resources has none available in grades 2,3


Hmmm...The book we have for 7th is just a workbook like WW. It contains everything the student needs. We don't have the hardcover. There is also a Teacher's book which has all the answers.


Here is the website with samples: http://www.perfectionlearning.com/browse.php?categoryID=1492


I think the hardback student book and the softback are the same book. :confused: All you need are the softcover student book and the TE for ease of grading. Though the TE is not an absolute necessity.


Hope that helps.

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i tried it the first year of hs my 1/2 grader. and it was frustrating for him so i held it till he was 7 and in 2nd (second part of the year) it was much better and we ended up verbally answering the reading comprehension questions. i agree with pp who stated some of the questions were not even related to the main ideas.


we just started up WW 3000 for third grade now and we're going to take it very slowly. i agree that both great literature (books and audio) teach a lot and don't underestimate those. remember these are all tools to an education not the end all be all.

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