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Road blocks to check for swine flu vaccine?

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There is information on the web claiming some bizarre information. It claims that roadblocks will be set up to see if you have the swine flu vaccine. Supposedly you will be given an id bracelet if you get the vaccine. Anyone without this bracelet and refuses to get the vaccine and bracelet will be taken to a concentration camp. Supposedly the bracelet has a tracking device, they are called RFID bracelets. Why is this information being put out on the internet? It just does not seem real to me.

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I haven't heard anything like this and it is crazy. We get vaccines so we will eventually get this. That said, the earliest they plan to have injectible vaccines is mid October and I don't know that we will get them first. (We can;t get flu mist vaccines because of my diseases and medications). People over 65 won't get the vaccines until maybe much later because they have not been getting this flu H1N1. It is still recommended that they get the regular flu vaccine because they do get that one more frequently. We will get both.

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There is information on the web claiming some bizarre information. It claims that roadblocks will be set up to see if you have the swine flu vaccine. Supposedly you will be given an id bracelet if you get the vaccine. Anyone without this bracelet and refuses to get the vaccine and bracelet will be taken to a concentration camp. Supposedly the bracelet has a tracking device, they are called RFID bracelets. Why is this information being put out on the internet? It just does not seem real to me.


Many hospitals aren't even testing for swine flu when you show up sick because it has spread so quickly. Why would they set up road blocks to randomly test for it?


RFID tags are widely used for tracking all sorts of things. It looks like maybe someone read this then completely misunderstood and garbled the message?

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This is a lie. For one thing, every state has laws on the books that guarantee that you never have to take any medication or vaccine the government is handing out.


This is how these stupid, completely false information about health care and vaccines gets started. It would be good to have the url of the website that is posting this. It should be reported to the urban legends websites so they can be documented as false.

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Oh my goodness. How ridiculous. The vaccine will not be necessary in our area, because the cases have EXPLODED here in the last few weeks and no one that we know has gotten very sick at all. Even the pedi oncology clinic that my son goes to said that the kids coming in there are showing only cold symptoms. Then again our state tends not to listen well anyway, so nothing would be set up here lol.


Grrr...I don't know what the person/people who set up that site was/were thinking, but seriously they need a new hobby.

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This is a lie. For one thing, every state has laws on the books that guarantee that you never have to take any medication or vaccine the government is handing out.


This is how these stupid, completely false information about health care and vaccines gets started. It would be good to have the url of the website that is posting this. It should be reported to the urban legends websites so they can be documented as false.


Actually... aren't there a couple of states that mandate vaccines for children? I think I remember reading that in the Dr. Sears Vaccine Book.

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There is a lot of information on the internet about it, and many people feel that mandatory vaccinations are one of many steps the "powers that be" will take to gain more control over the population. They believe that the vaccinations that are being rushed through- and no one could deny they are being rushed through- are actually designed to make people sicker, not well.

The whole swine flu scenario seems strange to me...and I'm not saying I believe the above information is true....but something doesn't seem right, and I definitely don't believe the "government" has the best interests of everyone at heart. (Any government, really).

However, at this stage, it does seem that the people who are sure of this conspiracy may be jumping the gun. Only time will tell. I am watching the net and the news for real information rather than conjecture.

I honestly think that if it were to become true and the vaccinations were to become mandatory, it would be a starting point for a revolution. At least, I hope the general population has at least that much gumption left in them.

I have received many emails on this issue already.

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That information is just not true. In fact the vaccine will not even be available to the entire population at first - they will be allowing high risk groups to get it first. I'm basing this on how they intend to distribute the vaccine in our county.


I don't think they have made enough to let everyone at it all at once, and I suspect demand will exceed supply. So it makes no sense that they would stop you and make you prove you've had the vaccine.

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There is a lot of information on the internet about it, and many people feel that mandatory vaccinations are one of many steps the "powers that be" will take to gain more control over the population. They believe that the vaccinations that are being rushed through- and no one could deny they are being rushed through- are actually designed to make people sicker, not well.

The whole swine flu scenario seems strange to me...and I'm not saying I believe the above information is true....but something doesn't seem right, and I definitely don't believe the "government" has the best interests of everyone at heart. (Any government, really).

However, at this stage, it does seem that the people who are sure of this conspiracy may be jumping the gun. Only time will tell. I am watching the net and the news for real information rather than conjecture.

I honestly think that if it were to become true and the vaccinations were to become mandatory, it would be a starting point for a revolution. At least, I hope the general population has at least that much gumption left in them.

I have received many emails on this issue already.

How does the government benefit from most of the population being sick? I have seen this accusation attached to many things, but I don't understand it. (Asking sincerely.)
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There is a lot of information on the internet about it, and many people feel that mandatory vaccinations are one of many steps the "powers that be" will take to gain more control over the population. They believe that the vaccinations that are being rushed through- and no one could deny they are being rushed through- are actually designed to make people sicker, not well.

The whole swine flu scenario seems strange to me...and I'm not saying I believe the above information is true....but something doesn't seem right, and I definitely don't believe the "government" has the best interests of everyone at heart. (Any government, really).

However, at this stage, it does seem that the people who are sure of this conspiracy may be jumping the gun. Only time will tell. I am watching the net and the news for real information rather than conjecture.

I honestly think that if it were to become true and the vaccinations were to become mandatory, it would be a starting point for a revolution. At least, I hope the general population has at least that much gumption left in them.

I have received many emails on this issue already.



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How does the government benefit from most of the population being sick? I have seen this accusation attached to many things, but I don't understand it. (Asking sincerely.)


Off the top of my head: sick people are easier to control.

Population control isn't an issue that is discussed publically a lot, for obvious reasons...but there are still people out there who believe in eugenics etc, just like the Nazis.

However, although I have friends who are right into all the conspiracy theories...I just like to keep an open mind and while I like to make sure my head is not in the sand....I also prefer not to jump to conclusions and presume the worst.

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