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What is this illness?? sniff, sneeze, cough

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Anyone have something weird like this?


Ds2: sore throat, headache, runny nose, chills/sweats but no fever, achey, yucky stomach.

Me: Stuffy nose, chills/sweats but no fever, achey, weird stomach, severe exhaustion, wheezing a little.


It feels like we're on the verge of getting sick, but our bodies are trying to fight it. I almost wish my body would just give in so I can get it overwith!!! We get sick so rarely!!

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It seems like we've been sick ever since two of our kids started public school. I'm really hoping the whole year is not like this. So far we've had: swine flu, strep throat, sinus colds, sore throats again, and now a stomach virus. I never had a fever at all, even with the flu (I didn't have strep though, that was just ds- we've all had everything else).

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Okay. So, it's officially something heh? :lol:


I'm sorry the rest of you are sick, but misery loves company! None of my kids is it school, but we're watching two little girls after school two days a week. I have the feeling we're going to see every little bug that comes around for a while.


Secular Mom - Holy cow! You guys can't catch a break can you? :grouphug:

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Last night I wondered about allergies. I've never had allergies like this. Can they make you THIS tired? And, achey? I'd almost it rather be allergies, but don't want it to last until the first frost!!!


I never had allergies before I moved here, two years ago in November. This second summer has been much easier than last year. My first summer here I spent at least a third of the time so sick with allergies that I was bedridden for several weeks. I waited to see how this year would go before (a) telling my dh we have to move back where we came from, or (b) seeing an allergist about immunotherapy. This summer I have had bad symptoms, but nothing like last year, so I hope I am acclimating. So, yes, allergies can be this bad.


However, I didn't want to be the first to say it, but since Terri brought it up ;), your symptoms sound very much like my next-door-neighbors' when they came down with H1N1... might want to check with your doc about that possibility.


I do hope you all feel better soon. If it lasts more than a week to 10 days, i think you may want to consider allergies.

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Anyone have something weird like this?


Ds2: sore throat, headache, runny nose, chills/sweats but no fever, achey, yucky stomach.

Me: Stuffy nose, chills/sweats but no fever, achey, weird stomach, severe exhaustion, wheezing a little.


It feels like we're on the verge of getting sick, but our bodies are trying to fight it. I almost wish my body would just give in so I can get it overwith!!! We get sick so rarely!!


I was going to say what someone else said, it sounds like H1N1. A local principal told me that it is presenting with a very low or no fever at all.

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Really? H1N1? That didn't even cross my mind because none of us has a cough. Well, I guess I hope this is it - let's get it overwith! It's certainly more mild that I would've thought - if this is it. I mean, I considered running this morning (and thought better of it after I stood up! LOL).


My oldest just told me he's now achey and has a sore throat. I guess I can count down the hours until the other two present with something!

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