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Why men risk everything for s*x....(article)...

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I just don't buy the excuse that "It has to do with brain chemistry, evolution and, yes, testosterone." :angry:


It has to do with personal responsibility and self control. The men who do this sort of thing choose not to make use of those characteristics that is part of each of us.

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I just don't buy the excuse that "It has to do with brain chemistry, evolution and, yes, testosterone."


It's a worldview issue. This is the strict materialist/everything we do has a biological root leading to a "he's not bad, just sick" mentality. A prescient CS Lewis writes about this idea that we are not responsible moral agents, just 'patients' whose brain chemistry is 'different.' Scary stuff, seeing it unfold before our eyes.

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I fall into the "yes, there's a biological root to the behavior, but individuals can still choose how to respond to the impulse, and take responsibility for their actions" camp.


Ya wanna live in society? You have to manage and control your strictly biological impulses. That's how it works.



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I fall into the "yes, there's a biological root to the behavior, but individuals can still choose how to respond to the impulse, and take responsibility for their actions" camp.


Ya wanna live in society? You have to manage and control your strictly biological impulses. That's how it works.




There are definitely biological reasons why men might risk a lot for sex, but assuming they are human beings, not some other mammal, they also have the capacity to RESIST that biological urge.


If a guy is hungry, and walks by a half eaten hotdog on the ground, my guess is most men would be able to resist the urge to eat it, even though satisfying hunger is a strong biological urge. (I'm not considering actual starvation here). No reason they can't do the same with sex.

Michelle T

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I fall into the "yes, there's a biological root to the behavior, but individuals can still choose how to respond to the impulse, and take responsibility for their actions" camp.


Ya wanna live in society? You have to manage and control your strictly biological impulses. That's how it works.





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Really, ask any (normal healthy) male how many times an hour he thinks about sex. Most males think about it a lot (many x's an hour). Now, what they do with those thoughts is the real issue.;)


I must have a high testosterone level, lol. dh did NOT marry me for my culinary skills. I was reading MamaG's post about Sumatra and immediately inserted "Kama" before it.




dh gets home Friday.



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But I bet many wouldn't (ok maybe not a hotdog on the ground).....look at the obesity rates in the US. I think 'will power' is a very real thing....and some people have more than others! Just to say 'he shouldn't do that' is easy....I believe there is much more to it than that!


I am glad you brought up that comparison....

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