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Frusterated with husband

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I have a good husband. He is great to me and the kids. He says I am doing a great job. Says I can buy whatever I want for schooling, I just have to give him a list. So I do that and he's like are you sure you want that for this year. Umm I think so am sure. Well now I want to make changes and he's like okay wheres the list. There isn't a list because it's just a little here and there as we go one. We are on week six and learned that I need to go more workbook bases with at son. My oldest wants to learn Latin. Now he's like you already bought for the year why buy more, why didn't you buy it two/three months ago. I didn't buy a dictionary becuause we have one, it is achildren's dictionary. It doesn't have some of the vocab words in it so I wanted to get a new one. He is like there is the internet. Great but I would like to have one in hand too. He says I can get this or that but when it's time to get this or that he is like no we don't need to buy that right now. I am tryin to be the good wife, he is head of household but man why say I can buy this or that and then when it istime to buy this and that, he doesn't want to pay. I don't have a outside paying job we share the paycheck. He will say if you want that how are you goin to pay for it. Duh our paycheck. Just my rant for the day. thanks for reading.

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Oh, ouch. That would feel divisive to me. I'm sorry. That must be frustrating.


Yes. That would really hurt. I think you need to sit him down and talk to him about how that sounds. He may not realize how much more pressure that attitude puts on you. Homeschooling isn't an exact science. There are bound to be things you need to buy as the year progresses.

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Yes. That would really hurt. I think you need to sit him down and talk to him about how that sounds. He may not realize how much more pressure that attitude puts on you. Homeschooling isn't an exact science. There are bound to be things you need to buy as the year progresses.


I agree. I would suggest a monthly budget that you can use for homeschooling. You could then save it up for something big or use it for small things, as needed.

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Or build in a 10% or 20% cushion for extras. Give him a list at the beginning of the year with the total and then below the total add the 20% for extras and explain that you will keep within that amount for all the little things you might need as the year goes on. Maybe explain that lots of moms have to buy extras through out the year and you are just putting a limit on it for him.


So when you have to have something come up, then you can decide what to do? Ex. do we need more workbooks or a dictionary? He will see you making those tough choices and you are working within a budget and not spending freely.


anyway just a thought.

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DH and I agreed that I could have $100 a month, plus whatever I make by selling old curriculum. For two kids, that has been plenty for me. I track exactly how much I spend so that I can, at any time, show him how I'm staying within budget. I don't spend it every month and it accumulates for bigger purchases. If money is tight one month, I will not insist on a purchase. (Right now, there's something I want that's $25. I have it in my hs budget, but money's a bit tight right now, so I will wait 'til next paycheck.) This is working extremely well. I can spend without guilt and no longer have to worry about DH complaining about the cost of homeschooling.

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We do a yearly budget that includes materials, extras, field trips, etc. This is how I buy my curriculum at the end of the year, so I know I can't go crazy buying other things. It works well for us. I can't imagine giving dh a list of what I need to buy. Ack! Then he would know I was a curriculum junkie and we can't have that, now can we? LOL

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