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Boys and ballet

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From what I've seen it's very similar. Boys get specific boy instruction once a week, if the school can offer it. Lots of jumping to get those leg muscles really going. They can do jumps that girls can, if only they get trained for it.

But still, 80-90% of the training is exactly the same, especially for younger boys (pre puberty)


However I'm not expert at all! My boy did only one year of ballet, but in his school were 4 other boys/men making a career of it.

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Our 8 year old little boy neighbor studies ballet something like three times a week. All the classes at this point are co-ed, although I think they are hoping at some point to get enough boys to have at least one class a week that is boy specific.


Some studios will offer significant discounts for boys. I know of two fairly serious ballet schools for whom tuition for boys is FREE.

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My daughter trains at a pre professional ballet school. The boys do start out with exactly the same training, and they continue with the same training for their basic technique. Once they are at the intermediate level, they usually have separate "mens" or "boys" classes in lieu of pointe classes that the girls take. At my dd's school, the boys leave class when the girls are putting their pointe shoes on, and then they take an extra mens class on a different day. In the mens class, they learn the bravura skills that only the men do - the jaw dropping leaps, and multiple turns in the air - that kind of thing.


When they're teens, they also take parterning classes with the girls. The girls and boys learn to dance together, which is a whole new set of skills.


If you are looking for a ballet school for your son, be sure to find one that offers these kinds of classes for boys. Not all ballet schools have enough boys to provide these classes, but they really are essential skills for boys to learn.


And enjoy your ballet journey. It's a whole new world. :)

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Can I offer just one extra word of experience that has nothing to do with training? I would talk to the teacher well in advance about the recital costumes. One year a boy in my eldest dd's class had to wear a pink tuxedo. The dad took him out of dance and put him in karate as a result. If this might be a problem, I'd discuss it ahead of time.

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As others have said, when they're little, they start out in the same classes. We just changed schools this year, from a very small RAD school (which was great when my kids were little) to the pre-professional school in our area so that ds could have a male teacher (twice a week coed ballet technique classes with kids of approximately the same age/level), and once a week boys' technique classes (mostly 10-14yos, though some of the older pre-pro boys come in for an extra workout). The difference for ds has been *wonderful*, and his enthusiasm (which was seriously waning by the end of last year) has just skyrocketed due to the increased challenge and specific encouragement for boys (working on all those leaps and pirouettes -- he was starting to be an afterthought at the old school)...


As others have said, as the kids get older, they'll continue to do non-pointe work together, and later partnering stuff, but also more focus on pointe work for the girls and powerful leaps, etc, for the boys.

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If he wants to do it, I would absolutely encourage it. Ballet is wonderful for self-discipline, physical control, strength, flexibility, musicality, poise... I wouldn't send my kid to just any school because it was free, but assuming there is good, solid training with teachers who really encourage the kids and have good technique, it would be wonderful. (Man, I wish ds' training was free!!!) :)

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