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Do you count co-op as "school"?

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If you live in a state where you are required to have so many hours of school/so many days of school, do you count co-op days?


If you don't live in a state where you are required to log a certain amt of time, do you call co-op days a school day or a day off?


Me? We're in a non-requiring state, but I do still like to roughly tally up our school time. Not sure whether I should count co-op or not, though! It's a full day, lots of socializing, science, art, gym, that sort of stuff every 2 weeks. Would you count it? Just curious!

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I would count it. If your dc are taking classes such as art, science, gym, math, to supplement their home school program I see no reason you should not consider it in your time calculations. I'm assuming this is not a free for all playday with a 5 minute science experiment taking place at the park.:D

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just days. I do count co-op days. I figure it's supplemental to my school. I let the kids take fluff classes.


I still require math and grammar and others when we get home. At least until I know the book will be finished by the end of the year. Our co-op is only 1/2 day.


But even when we are off at home, if we have co-op, I still count it as a day of school.

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I would definitely count it. My kids have spent time in both public schools and a super academic private school, and not every hour of every day was spent on academic tasks. They did lots of creative projects, and broke out into spontaneous discussions on topics at hand, etc. All of that was counted as school hours by the schools! :)

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I don't live in a place that requires me to count days/time BUT I do have to report certain content and I count the hours my kids spend in their fine arts program school. It is not a co-op program but one in which they take dance, drama, art,photography, music lessons. Technically an extracurric program but I use it supplement and outright teach areas I can not(specifically music, drama and photography). I count workshops and such they participate in through out the year too so I would definitely count a co-op day/class.

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Absolutely. We are doing school subjects here and everywhere we did co=ops. This year my older is having a creative writing class, debate class, and US Govt and Economics. My younger is doing robotics (programming and designing), Cooking, and Ancient Greece. We don't have to count hours here but I these classes are all similar to subjects that either my husband or I took in school (English, Home Ec, Computer programming, Drafting, History, Social Studies, Speech) so yes.

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