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Need some help/ideas/support for my moaning about my insanely active toddler

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I know I'm not the only homeschooling Mom who is trying to corral a toddler at the same time. But I'm extremely frustrated by it right now and really wondering if I will ever get to do school the way it should be done for my son. I'm not talking these pie in the sky ideals of schooling, but a very real should be attainable plan for him.


So I have a 6yo, first grade. A 4yo boy who if he had his way would do school seriously all day long. Very easy going, if I can't do school with him, he's happy to type on the computer, do starfall or play his guitar for hours and is happy as a clam with whatever. Then there's my 19mo boy toddler. I cannot seem to get him interested in anything for literally more than about 5 seconds during our school time.


I have all the fun toddler "toys". Homemade things to keep their hands busy. Block sorters, large beads and wooden dowels, velcro puppets, clothespins in coffee cans, dry beans and cups...you know the type. I have a ton of that kind of stuff all ready to go. When the boys are coloring, I have larger crayons for the toddler. He spends the time climbing on the table to grab his brother's papers. There is nothing that I can give him that is exciting enough to keep him occupied. As soon as he sees his brothers with a pencil, marker, book, paper, etc. it's all over. He tries to climb on his brothers' laps, on the table, etc.


I tried putting the very large play yard in our school room. Toddler can nearly climb out and when he's not doing that he is pushing the entire play yard around the room, ramming it into furniture. Pack n play, no good either, because he can climb out.


He's always been incredibly active. Even as a young baby, he usually didn't like to be held, he'd twist around to get down and crawl. He climbs out of everything or on top of everything.


The most frustrating thing for me is that I can't even do read-alouds wtih the older ones. Toddler tries to sit on our books, can't be distracted with anything, or will be constantly running away from the room we're in, even if I'm on the floor playing with him while reading.

I don't know what I'm searching for here. Maybe just some ideas from someone who has a toddler like him?

How to do read alouds, projects, etc.? If I'm being whiney and just need to get over myself and realize that's just the way life is right now, you can tell me that too, I can take it. :001_smile:

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High chair

I put mine in the high chair with paper, markers, crayons, bears, beads etc. Then he was CONTAINED but still being cool with the big kids.


Now, he is 2.5 and he sits in a Z-chair at the dining room table to work. The baby, now 10 months old, is in the high chair now.

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Take turns having the older kids chase/play with toddler while working with the other. Do read alouds while everyone does Legos or Playdoh, whichever your toddler handles better. Do whatever you get most annoyed during while the toddler naps. Don't turn to the tv to entertain toddler while you school or you end up with a 3.5 yo that wants tv ALLLLLLLL day. Ask me how I know :)

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It sounds like you are already trying some really good things! Maybe it will get better the longer you try them. When did you start school?


These are just random thoughts (from things I've read here, tried on my own, or heard from friends) that may or may not be helpful:


Do you keep certain 'exciting' toys out of reach and only pull them out at schooltime?


Maybe find the books you want to do for read aloud on CD/tape...then you don't have to be reading them aloud, but your other two could look at the pictures together while you all listen and you play with little one.


I've heard a lot of people say that if they give one-on-one time to the littlest one first, they seem to do better going off and playing for a little while afterwards.


Establish a 'crib-time' or 'room-time' by placing a gate across bedroom door (assuming the room is baby-proofed, of course). Start out with ten minutes of alone time in there; add on a few minutes each week.


Schedule things in blocks of time...and alternate little one's play area/activity...highchair activity for 30 minutes, playtime with big brother, 'room-time' for 30 minutes, storytime with other big brother, 'listening' time playing with Mom while listening to CD's for 20 minutes, snack time in highchair for ten minutes, etc.


Naptime for the most teacher-intensive part of your day.


I have to admit I have no problem using Letter Factory or Signing Time for my dd2...it's a good 30 minute block of time.


The things that keep my dd2's attention the longest: water play at the sink, wheat/rice play in a pan on a sheet on the floor, jumping on a mattress, her little play kitchen.


Hang in there! It will get better! I think it's just a matter of figuring out a plan and then training him to do it.

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OMG I could've written your post. My 20 month old is driving me bonkers! She climbs all over the table grabbing at markers, papers, etc. Screams when I remove her. Won't sit in the high chair. Isn't entertained by anthing longer than 2 seconds (unless I'm actively engaging her). And yes I've tried all the tricks.....And picture all this while my 7 y/o is trying to do mental subtraction while yelling at his 3 y/o brother because he is singing the ABC's for the 20th time that morning.....AND THIS IS ALL JUST IN THE FIRST 5 MINUTES OF OUR MORNING!!!! Repeat all this 20 times over before I finally put on Clifford (and even that only buys me 20-30 minutes). :glare: I have become this yelling crazy mommy..... *sigh*


You sooooo have my sympathy.

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This probably goes against what every child rearing book says, but I baby proofed the whole house, then put baby gates in front of the school room and older children's bedrooms. So I basically caged in the older kids to give them peace. When my oldest kids were young I would put my oldest inside the play yard, so she could work without her brother taking her things.


I also took advantage of high chair time (with the toddler strapped in!) and did read alouds during meal times.


I also used the play yard for when he was being really disruptive. I would say something like, " I am sorry, but you cannot climb on the table. I am going to have you play in your play yard while we finish this task".


I also enforced nap/quiet time for at least one hour each day.


I sometimes saved math for when my husband was home and could watch the toddler, so I could work without interruption.

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