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Anyone else having a Big Yellow School Bus day?

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You know, the kind of day where you look out the window and wonder where the bus is?


One child - decided to play a card game in the middle of the morning. With nothing done on the school list.


Another child - gets weepy when looking over writing.


Another child - blows stack when suggested that maybe the reason they don't like math is b/c they're not willing to write out the steps. Practices piano for a whopping 15 minutes, should be doing 45.


I'm ready to keep the 17yo and the 4 yo, and send the rest somewhere.


Any takers?



No, actually- what I want is for them to have 1 week at institutional school - they'll realize how GOOD they have it! :glare:


Thankfully, the principal - dh - called home to have a "conference" with them.

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Yes, today is one of those days for me as well. My two youngest spent quite a while this morning writing sentences:


I will not hit my brother/sister.


Today is the first time in a LONG time that I have actually had to break up a FIST FIGHT between my children. Is it the moon?

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Oh yes. I have those days. Now I have a name for them. lol




No, actually- what I want is for them to have 1 week at institutional school - they'll realize how GOOD they have it! :glare:


My k'ner has never been to school or daycare of any kind, but for some reason just the thought of public school has him thanking me for not sending him. :lol: Not sure what he thinks goes on there, but he definitely wants none of it.

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Yes...we only did 1/2 our subjects, but the nearly-7yo kept getting angry.


"Mom, MOm, MOMMMM!!!! You're not listening to me!!!" (as I bounce between 2 kids & have a baby permanently attached to the boob)


"I'm just frush-shtrated today"


"Our day was too long, so we need to skip cleaning today."


And several times found on the couch with her head buried under several pillows. Or a pouty expression on her face, arms crossed..."I'm really mad" she says, but she doesn't know why.


Is there a school for homeschoolers where we can drop them off for just 1 day so they know what it's like? LOL. You know someone should build that place!

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Yes. Yes indeed. Thank you for naming it.


I think our issue is we've just begun. I had planned to hs over the summer, but that plan just didn't work. I'm going to stick to it next summer, in hopes of easing the transition period that has me reconsidering the whole ps thing.


Diva is a kid that excels in math. Yet, has had since 9 am or so to do ONE unit (a whopping 3 pgs) and its still.not.done.


We haven't even TOUCHED TOG yet today, to say nothing of science. *sigh*

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Yes...we only did 1/2 our subjects, but the nearly-7yo kept getting angry.


"Mom, MOm, MOMMMM!!!! You're not listening to me!!!" (as I bounce between 2 kids & have a baby permanently attached to the boob)


"I'm just frush-shtrated today"


"Our day was too long, so we need to skip cleaning today."


And several times found on the couch with her head buried under several pillows. Or a pouty expression on her face, arms crossed..."I'm really mad" she says, but she doesn't know why.


Is there a school for homeschoolers where we can drop them off for just 1 day so they know what it's like? LOL. You know someone should build that place!



There's a place near my town that's an indoor sports center and they allow for 1-day drop-offs :auto: (48 hour advance notice necessary). I've definitely contemplated such thing, but I'm too cheap to pay $35 per day, per kid.

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