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Has anyone combined TOG and Veritas Press/Omnibus?

The Governess

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I am currently using TOG with our dd5 (I know, I know overkill :D but I'm trying to become familiar with the curriculum because I plan on continuing to use it through 12th grade). I've recently been looking through Veritas Press' scope and sequence and have been intrigued by what I am seeing, especially with the Omnibus curriculum for grades 7 and up.


I like the 4 year history/science cycle better than the cycle VP sets up, however (and where is science on VP's plan anyway?). I like TOG because it follows the 4-year cycle, and it provides me with a lot of background information, etc. I have been happy with the book selections so far (we are 5 weeks in right now).


But there are things about the VP program that I like too! I like the strong emphasis on memory work. I am already using the timeline cards as part of Classical Converations. I like how the Latin is solidly tied into the program. I love the way Omnibus has the kids reading through all of the great books. I know TOG goes through some of these as well, but it seems like Omnibus goes through many more.


So, after looking at and being drawn to both programs, what I am thinking of doing is staying on the 4 year cycle and using the TOG curriculum as my spine, for lack of a better word, but using a mix of VP and TOG books/resources as we go through history. I would like to adapt TOG to include Latin, memory work, etc. and adapt VP to a 4-year cycle that is easy to teach and have both of my girls on the same year of the cycle. Is this possible? Is anyone here doing this?


And if you have used both programs, could you elaborate on the differences between the two and in which areas each is stronger? I haven't had a chance to look at any of the VP materials in person except for the timeline cards, and haven't really gotten the hang of their website yet.


Thanks so much for helping me fine-tune my long-term plan!! :001_smile:

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Might I make a suggestion? Hindsight being what it is, if I were in your shoes, I'd begin purchasing and actually reading and studying the rhetoric level stuff myself. That will serve your child better than any extra books you assign them now.

My two cents having wished I knew more than I know now.

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Might I make a suggestion? Hindsight being what it is, if I were in your shoes, I'd begin purchasing and actually reading and studying the rhetoric level stuff myself. That will serve your child better than any extra books you assign them now.

My two cents having wished I knew more than I know now.


Oh, I am most definitely doing this! During this first history cycle, I am reading through adult history texts, trying to stay a step ahead so I am familiar with historic events, people, etc. Next cycle I hope to read through the great books (I've actually started with Well Educated Mind's literature list, although right now I'm stalled out 3 pages into Gulliver's Travels :D). I am also trying to learn Latin. Homeschooling is turning into a second education for me....dh is jealous that he has to be at work while we are all learning so much at home. :lol:


Thanks for the confirmation that all this self-education will be time well spent, sometimes it is really hard to keep it up.

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Just thought of another reason to do the rhetoric level work. Then you'll see how much they'll actually be doing later.


I remember thinking I needed to add WTM lists to our TOG work. Then I realized...

most of the works are covered in TOG anyway just in a future year plan!


Good for you - you'll do a great job!

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I've actually started with Well Educated Mind's literature list, although right now I'm stalled out 3 pages into Gulliver's Travels :D)


Oh don't tell me this. It took me months to get through Don Quixote...is this going to turn into the same thing?!? Ay.

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Oh don't tell me this. It took me months to get through Don Quixote...is this going to turn into the same thing?!? Ay.


Don Quixote took me months to get through too! I don't think Gulliver's Travels will be as bad, at least it is much shorter. I need to set myself a new deadline. And after Gulliver is Pride and Prejudice, I am looking forward to analyzing that one. What are you reading now?

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Don Quixote took me months to get through too! I don't think Gulliver's Travels will be as bad, at least it is much shorter. I need to set myself a new deadline. And after Gulliver is Pride and Prejudice, I am looking forward to analyzing that one. What are you reading now?


I am half way through Pilgrim's Progress; I did 1/2 in a weekend but then I got some books on order from the library that are due back in 2 weeks w/ no renewals (new titles) so I am taking a break and then I'll finish up the second half (Christiana's journey). I don't have any trouble with that one, but probably b/c I was raised on it! I've actually never read Pride & Prejudice, so I'm looking forward to that one.

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I just added your blog to the blogs I am following; I thought I already was following you, but I guess not. Every week on my weekly report, I write up what I have studied that week, as well as the kids. I am going through the Well Educated Mind, Henle Latin, SOTW (2) and a book on church history. Link is in my siggy if you want to stop by. :)

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I just added your blog to the blogs I am following; I thought I already was following you, but I guess not. Every week on my weekly report, I write up what I have studied that week, as well as the kids. I am going through the Well Educated Mind, Henle Latin, SOTW (2) and a book on church history. Link is in my siggy if you want to stop by. :)


I was following you too, not sure what happened there but you somehow fell off my list (did you stop blogging for a while?). I moved my blog to wordpress after a 6 month blog break. I'm looking forward to catching up on what you've been doing!


I read the first half of Pilgrim's Progress and then switched over to the kid's version for part two :lol:.

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VP and TOG are very similar at the lower levels, in the sense that both expect you'll use a lot of books. The way Marcia Somerville put it was "trust much to the reading of good books." You can flex VP quite a bit, meaning you can do their 5 year elementary history cycle in 4 (combine OTAE and NTGR into one), skip the worksheets, whatever you want. VP history doesn't give you nearly as much *stuff* as TOG, things like activities, discussion questions, etc. It's very barebones but adequate, something you can use as a framework to create your own approach that fits your particular dc. Some people like that. Sometimes I wish for the buffet of TOG and sometimes I'm glad I don't have to wade through all that. :)


My dd is 5th grade this year, so I'm really in the heat of thinking through what I want to do, how I want to approach GB, whether I really want to do Omnibus or not. When I was at your stage, I got infatuated with Omnibus, liked the idea of a sequence for all the years, and took the plunge with VP. We've had our ups and downs with VP, sometimes wanting a break, sometimes wanting more help (read forays into SL or WP), always coming back as it is such a logical approach I can work with. I would suggest to you though that anything you decide now you may change your mind on later. It's great to read ahead now, as the booklists are almost identical. You'll know better what you want to do and how you want to do it as you get there. I don't even really know how it's going to look for us, but we're still two years out. What I can't see is how my dd's skills will develop, what her interests and passions will be. I THINK I know, but she's changing a lot, kwim?


You know, I think the absolute simplest thing in your shoes would be to read through the WTM lists. I don't think you need to read to a specific curriculum like TOG or VP. The lists are almost identical (just spread out different ways over different years), and if you try to go too deep, reading too much commentary the first time through, you just wear yourself out. Ask me how I know. :)


Yup, I suggest you read through the WTM lists. Then, when you get there, you'll be familiar with the books and can make a decision about what materials (curriculum) will fit your student. It's really not a pat thing about best this or that, honest. You're going to chose the curriculum that fits your particular dc.

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Don Quixote took me months to get through too! I don't think Gulliver's Travels will be as bad, at least it is much shorter. I need to set myself a new deadline. And after Gulliver is Pride and Prejudice, I am looking forward to analyzing that one. What are you reading now?



Gulliver is much easier to get through then Don Quixote. That one took me forever! I can't wait until we get to Pride and Prejudice too...even though this will probably be the 10th time I've read it.:001_smile:


I just looked at the Veritas website. I'm glad you will have probably figured this out before I need to worry about it, because I like them both too!

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I was following you too, not sure what happened there but you somehow fell off my list (did you stop blogging for a while?). I moved my blog to wordpress after a 6 month blog break. I'm looking forward to catching up on what you've been doing!


I read the first half of Pilgrim's Progress and then switched over to the kid's version for part two :lol:.


Yeah, I had moved mine earlier this year, too, lol. Glad we re-connected! :)


Glad to hear of others going through WEM...

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Great advice, OhElizabeth! As usual, you're a wealth of knowledge... thanks for sharing!


Glad to hear of others going through WEM...


I had such a plan for reading through The Well Educated Mind and it's list of books, but that all fizzled as Summer progressed... time just seemed to fly as we thoroughly enjoyed it. I should have liked to have a book or two from the list already under my hat, but I suppose that there is no need to feel rushed at this point. However, I hope to rediscover that quest next week when we start our daily school routine once again. :)

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Oh don't tell me this. It took me months to get through Don Quixote...is this going to turn into the same thing?!? Ay.



I'm right there with ya! I got about half way through Don Quixote, then moved on to Pilgrim's Progress and have stalled out about two-thirds through. And I'm trying to teach my kids to persevere???Ouch..I better go and finish at least one of those books. :001_huh:

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