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on WIC and need non-soy/ milk allergy formula

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My cousin just called me for help. I told her that we used ready to serve Similac organic for a short time when I couldn't nurse and that my milk allergic baby did fine with it, but nothing else (no other formulas and no powder/mixed kind. I do not recommend soy long term.


She said that WIC will only pay for infamil. What formula would you recommend? She is not breastfeeding at all. :glare: He is 8 months old.

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My baby was allergic to milk/soy. The first ones they say to try are Nutramigen (by the makers of Enfamil) and Allementum (by the makers of Similac) most can tolerate those. The very few cannot tolerate this (my son was one for them) and then the one that is completely hypoallergenic is a formula called Neocate. HTH

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Does she have a doctor's note? How do they know the baby is allergic?
Ugh, here is the sticky part. The doctor keeps insisting that the baby isn't allergic. He wants to do invasive tests and surgery! She switched him to soy and he is better already.


My babies had severe reflux, intestinal problems and breathing problems and it was all due to food sensitivity (oh, and immunizations, that is a new revelation, so I still forget sometimes). Even docs who are open to the idea of food allergies don't think babies have them, or they think that only the kind that show up on an allergy test are valid. From my experience they are wrong.

Edited by Lovedtodeath
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Ugh, here is the sticky part. The doctor keeps insisting that the baby isn't allergic. He wants to do invasive tests and surgery! She switched him to soy and he is better already.


My babies had severe reflux, intestinal problems and breathing problems and it was all due to food sensitivity (oh, and immunizations, that is a new revelation, so I still forget sometimes). Even docs who are open to the idea of food allergies don't think babies have them, or they think that only the kind that show up on an allergy test are valid. From my experience they are wrong.


Get another doctor. Also, Good Start formula works with babies who have problems with regular Similac/Infamili. It's a different type.


I have one question: Did your cousin serve powder or ready made regular formula? My children couldn't tolerate powder. It gave them reflux. I served the ready made from the bottle and my children's problems went away.

Edited by LMA
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Ugh, here is the sticky part. The doctor keeps insisting that the baby isn't allergic. He wants to do invasive tests and surgery! She switched him to soy and he is better already.


My babies had severe reflux, intestinal problems and breathing problems and it was all due to food sensitivity (oh, and immunizations, that is a new revelation, so I still forget sometimes). Even docs who are open to the idea of food allergies don't think babies have them, or they think that only the kind that show up on an allergy test are valid. From my experience they are wrong.


This is so familiar to me. My baby had severe reflux, collitis(intenstinal problems) and eventually stopped eating and was hospitalized on a feeding tube. Here is Canada all the pediatricians, allergists I went to were in agreement that allergies especially milk and soy are a cause of reflux and allergies of course is the cause of allergic collitis. They said that even the slightest bit of milk or soy can cause reflux. My son was on Neocate and the collitis cleared up and he is on meds for reflux which is helping. We tried him back on soy a couple of weeks ago to rule it out(he is now 16 months) and he screamed after a feed. The allergist told me that its a type of back door allergy that will not show up on skin tests, its not life threatening but causes much pain and intestinal problems. So yes, those symptoms are definitely signs of allergy. Please feel free to ask me any more questions and I hope I can help. Big :grouphug: to pass along.

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My son is on Elecare. We need a prescription from the dr for WIC to give us the formula. They have to call and get approval from their state office and then they will do it. We have not had any problems with them. You can always ask for a number to the state office, they might be better informed.

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