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What do you take when you wake up sick???

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We are leaving for vacation in about 2 minutes. :auto: and my dh woke up SICK!!! Stuffy nose, sore throat, headache.


When we get to Cape Cod, in about 5 hours, I can go to a healthfood store.


the only thing I have to give my dh is a prenatal vitamin :tongue_smilie:


Anything that I can buy for him that will get him through this fast? Zinc, vitamin C???




I'll check back when I get there. Thanks in advance for any advice! :)

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We are leaving for vacation in about 2 minutes. :auto: and my dh woke up SICK!!! Stuffy nose, sore throat, headache.


When we get to Cape Cod, in about 5 hours, I can go to a healthfood store.


the only thing I have to give my dh is a prenatal vitamin :tongue_smilie:


Anything that I can buy for him that will get him through this fast? Zinc, vitamin C???




I'll check back when I get there. Thanks in advance for any advice! :)

Our staples here when we are fighting a cold/flu is Vit. C, Propolis Plus(solaray brand) and fenuthyme(Natures way).

Hope he gets to feeling better soon.

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We love Emergen-C packs in a little water, and some kind of echinacea zinc lozenges that he can keep in his mouth. I would get some garlic capsules, too to fight infection. Drink lots of water and hot tea with lemon and honey. Poor guy. I hope he feels better so you all can have a great time!

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Assume it's H1N1. Virtually all flulike illnesses currently presenting are of this variety. About 50% of possible cases are presenting without fever. This is likely a low number. Consider that this makes meaningless, the recommendations to 'stay home from school or work until fever free for 24 hours". Children are unknowingly being sent to school with H1N1; adults with H1N1 will continue to go to work not realizing that they are spreading the flu.



•Visiting an urgent care center and for anti-virals. Keep in mind that there is a 50-90% false negtive rate on the rapid flu tests. Yes, you read that right.

Effective treatment:


•Anti-Viral Medication started within 24h (less helpful but still helpful if started later....though drug resistant cases are emerging)


•High Dose Vitamin D3 therapy aka Stoss Therapy. (reduces cytokines) 1,000 IU D/ one lb body weight;
one dose per day for three days
, then back to normal dosing: 1,000 IU per 25 lbs body weight. This is not appropriate for those with kidney disease. Take sufficient calcium and magnesium while taking vitamin D.

Likely Helpful adjuncts effective treatment - will reduce and/or moderate cytokines or act as ACE inhibitors:


Adults only;
never children or adolescents
(reduces cytokines).


•Green tea (ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines). Consider drinking


daily and/or gargling with it.


•High dose vitamin C therapy to bowel tolerance. Use cheap ascorbic acid unless you personally need buffered - avoid time released for this usage.



Effective Prevention:


•Optimal blood levels of D3 (reduce cytokines)



•55-80 ng/mL is optimal. Anything less=substrate deficiency.....150-200 nmoL on the scale the rest of the world uses.


Moderate levels are correlated, by some data, with increased cytokine activity (20-40 ng/mL).




•Optimal vitamin D levels are your very best defense against influenza, some researchers posit that it maybe as or more effective than a vaccine.



•Green tea (ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines).


Drink it or gargle.


•Probiotics. Take daily.

May be helpful adjuncts to effective treatment and/or prevention in addition to above measures:



•Black tea (ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines)


•Quercetin (possible ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines)


•Pomegranate (ACE inhibitor)


•Proanthocyandin containig foods, supplements (ACE inhibitors): grapeseed extract, pinebark extract (pycnogenol)


•Turmeric (reduces cytokines). 1/4 tsp powder can be placed on tongue and swallowed with water


•Black pepper (reduces cytokines)


•Raw crushed garlic (reduces cytokines). For easy dosing, mix with tsp raw honey.


•Coconut oil (reduces cytokines)


•Echinacea (increases some cytokine activity but overwhelmingly reduces cytokine activity)

Assess carefully:


•Elderberry "Sambucol" or similar (known to increase cytokines - I am avoiding)


•Astragalus (reduces activity of some cytokines, increases activity of other cytokines). I am avoiding.


•Olive oil (may increase cytokines). I will continue to use as needed but will use coconut oil for cooking/baking.


•Fish oil (may increase cytokines). I will continue to take significant amounts.


•Chocolate (ACE inhibitor but increases cytokines). I will use moderately.

Certainly there is more, but this is what I've had time to compile at

this point 28Aug2009) As always, NTBCAMA. Check your own sources and with

your own health care provider regarding appropriate treatments for you

and your family.


All the best,


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Assume it's H1N1. Virtually all flulike illnesses currently presenting are of this variety. About 50% of possible cases are presenting without fever.


I don't know if it's really flu-like. Seems more like a nasty head cold. He doesn't have a cough or a fever. We'll see by tonight if he gets worse. He is feeling a little better after a nap this afternoon so that is encouraging.


Thank you for the H1N1 advice, I'll be watching carefully.

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It's H1N1. I've been around H1N1 people all day and what you describe is what they have.....


And they're saying the same thing you are.....but it can't be the flu....there's no fever...it seems like a bad cold....but my neighbor had it and they were only sick for two days......but we only had stomach upset and vomiting.....It's probably the flu....it's just wearing a lot of different masks this go around.


Hoping for mild mild mild for you guys.





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Zinc, vitamin C, and lots of advil and water. I hope he feels better soon!


Thanks, I did buy all of that today so here's hoping tomorrow is a better day!



It's H1N1. I've been around H1N1 people all day and what you describe is what they have.....


And they're saying the same thing you are.....but it can't be the flu....there's no fever...it seems like a bad cold....but my neighbor had it and they were only sick for two days......but we only had stomach upset and vomiting.....It's probably the flu....it's just wearing a lot of different masks this go around.


Hoping for mild mild mild for you guys.






wow, thanks for the info. I hope this is mild too. If it is mild, and it is H1N1, will we have immunity this fall and winter?

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